Passo Fundo City Hall – RS rectifies Public Competition with more than 400 vacancies

Passo Fundo City Hall – RS rectifies Public Competition with more than 400 vacancies
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Passo Fundo City Hall, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, once again amended the Public Competition notice in order to fill 490 vacancies and form a reserve list for certain positions.

The position of Social Educator will no longer have a psychological assessment, and as a result, items in the notice have been modified.

On our website you have access to the notices and can obtain more information.

The competition offers vacancies among the positions listed below according to the required education:

  • Middle level: Clerk; Social Security Technician (1); Traffic Agent (7); Administrative Assistant (100); Oral Health Assistant (30); Social Educator (15); Electrician (3); Health Inspector (3); Urban Tax (11); Driver (15); Machine Operator (11); Plant, Crushing and Asphalt Operator (4); Worker (6); School Secretary (6);
  • Technical level: Electrotechnical (1); Nursing Technician (37); IT Technician (6); Occupational Safety Technician (4); Surveyor (2)
  • Higher level: Administrator (2); Technology Analyst (5); Architect and Urban Planner (5); Archivist (1); Social Worker (17); Biologist (2); Dental Surgeon (26); Accountant – CAPASEMU; PM counter (6); Nurse (27); Agricultural Engineer (1); Civil Engineer (8); Electrical Engineer (1); Pharmacist (15); Speech therapist (3); Geographer (1); Doctor (36); Veterinary Doctor (5); Nutritionist (10); Pedagogue (2); Attorney (2); Early Childhood Education Teacher (3); Elementary School Teacher of Natural Sciences (1); Elementary School Physical Education Teacher (1); Elementary School History Teacher (1); Portuguese Language Elementary School Teacher (2); Elementary Mathematics Teacher (2); Psychologist (42); Occupational Therapist (1).

The remuneration amount will be from R$ 1,870.24 to R$ 10,993.59, with a workload of 20 to 40 hours per week.

Registration must be made between April 10, 2024 and May 10, 2024 via the Fundatec website, with a fee ranging from R$65.00 to R$120.00.

The assessment will be in theoretical-objective test for all positions, writing test for Administrative Assistant, Early Childhood Education Teacher, Elementary School Teacher – Natural Sciences, Elementary School Teacher – Physical Education, Elementary School Teacher – History, Elementary School Teacher – Portuguese Language and Elementary School Teacher – Mathematics. There will be discursive test and assessment of legal work for Attorney approved in the first stage, qualification test for Administrator, Information Technology Analyst, Architect and Urban Planner, Archivist, Social Worker, Biologist, Dental Surgeon, Accountant (PM), Accountant (CAPASEMU), Nurse, Agricultural Engineer, Civil Engineer , Electrical Engineer, Pharmacist, Speech Therapist, Geographer, Doctor, Veterinarian, Nutritionist, Pedagogue, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Urban Inspector; for candidates classified in the Writing Test in the positions of Early Childhood Education Teacher, Elementary School Teacher – Mathematics, Elementary School Teacher – Portuguese Language, Elementary School Teacher – Natural Sciences, Elementary School Teacher – History and Education Teacher Elementary – Physical Education; and for candidates classified in the Discursive Test and Legal Work Assessment.

It will also occur Practical Test for candidates classified in the Theoretical-Objective Test in the positions of Electrician, Driver, Machine Operator, Plant Operator, Crushing and Asphalt and Surveyor, of an eliminatory nature. Physical Fitness Test for candidates classified in the Theoretical-Objective Test in the positions of Traffic Agent, of an eliminatory nature. Psychological Assessment for candidates who qualify for the Physical Aptitude Test in the position of Traffic Agent, which is eliminatory in nature.

The objective test is scheduled to take place on June 23, 2024.

And, to help you with your studies, purchase the Digital Booklets for this event on our website. Check out the position you want!

The Public Tender will be valid for two years, and may be extended for an equal period.

The article is in Portuguese

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