Deputy requests urgency in the approval of a project that provides for a 5% adjustment in the salaries of public servants in Alagoas

Deputy requests urgency in the approval of a project that provides for a 5% adjustment in the salaries of public servants in Alagoas
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Last Thursday, during the legislative session, deputy Cabo Bebeto (PL) requested urgency in voting on bill no. 890/2014, a government initiative. This project deals with the review of subsidies and salaries for public servants in Alagoas, foreseeing a 5% increase from May 1, 2024. The deputy highlighted the importance of this measure to compensate for the salary losses of public servants in the state, highlighting the need for rapid approval of the matter.

According to the text of the bill, some groups of employees will be excluded from the proposed increase. Among them are State prosecutors and employees of the Provisional Party for Termination of the State Public Teaching Career. Furthermore, the value of the national and state minimum salary for nursing will not be readjusted, covering nurses, nursing technicians, nursing assistants and midwives.

Deputy Cabo Bebeto emphasized the expectations and anxiety of public servants in Alagoas regarding the approval of this bill, highlighting the importance of meeting the salary demands of these professionals. The review of subsidies and salaries is seen as a way of valuing and recognizing the work carried out by public servants, who play a fundamental role in providing services to the state’s population.

Therefore, the vote and approval of this proposal are seen as urgent and essential to guarantee the appreciation and well-being of public servants in Alagoas. The proposed increase represents a form of recognition for the work of these professionals and an incentive for them to continue performing their duties in a dedicated and committed manner to public service.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Deputy requests urgency approval project adjustment salaries public servants Alagoas




