Inspection seizes car parts and irregular food

Inspection seizes car parts and irregular food
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The Revenue Department of the Economy seized, in an operation between the night of this Wednesday (08) and the early hours of this Thursday (09), IT products, car parts, clothes and food with irregular notes. The action took place on BR-020, on transport companies in the North Cargo Sector and also on urban roads in Asa Sul and Planaltina.

According to the ministry, the products were valued at R$750,000. “We continue to reinforce inspections every day to increase the feeling of risk and prevent tax evaders from acting”, explains the Tax Inspection coordinator, Silvino Nogueira Filho.

“We seek to maintain a healthy competitive business environment, as we seek to prevent bad taxpayers, or those who evade taxes, from competing unfairly with those who regularly comply with their tax obligations towards the DF”, he adds .

In BR-020, the auditors retained a vehicle with an estimated calculation base of R$190,000 worth of clothing and accessories. The goods were without an invoice. Still in Planaltina, a load of auto parts without proper tax documentation and car batteries with unreliable invoices were seized. For these goods, the DF Revenue estimates that the value of the cargo is R$40 thousand.

In Asa Sul, auditors seized computer products without proper tax documentation. Among them were cameras, watches, memory cards, projectors and various types of headphones. The calculation basis for the load was estimated at approximately R$350,000.

During visits to carriers in the Cargo Sector, several products were retained that had unreliable invoices. The cargo, which consisted of clothing, food products, cell phone accessories, tablets and tires, was estimated at R$170,000.

The information is from Agência Brasília

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Inspection seizes car parts irregular food




