Dredging of rivers in AM should take place in June to reduce impacts on navigation, says government | Amazon

Dredging of rivers in AM should take place in June to reduce impacts on navigation, says government | Amazon
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1 of 2 Government predicts that around 600,000 people will be affected by the drought of rivers in the Amazon in 2024. — Photo: Divulgação/Secom
Government predicts that around 600,000 people will be affected by the drought of rivers in Amazonas in 2024. — Photo: Divulgação/Secom

Dredging in stretches of rivers in Amazonas must be carried out in June, to ensure navigability, according to the Government of Amazonas, this Thursday (9). The measure is part of actions that were announced with the aim of preventing the impacts of the dry period in 2024.

The state government estimates that around 600,000 people will be directly affected by river droughts in 2024.

A press conference was held in the morning, by Governor Wilson Lima, to announce the measures that must be taken so that the state is not so affected. Among them, the dredging of rivers.

“We are delivering the environmental licenses, through our Ipaam, so that this entire environmental issue is effectively regularized so that the dredging work can begin as quickly as possible. I have already been with the Federal Government expressing the concerns we have regarding this year’s drought, which is expected to be very severe”, informed Wilson Lima.

The dredging work will be carried out by the Federal Government, through the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (Dnit), and is expected to begin immediately upon issuance of the licenses.

According to the government, the actions will focus on critical points, such as humanitarian aid, with the distribution of basic food baskets and drinking water; monitoring economic activity and impacts on the environment.

“We are involving the entire civil society because we need, in fact, to adopt public policies, but also actions within the entire scope so that the system works and can protect our population”, stated the executive secretary of Civil Defense, Colonel Francisco Máximo.

With a historic drought, in the Center and West Zone of Manaus, the Rio Negro moved away from the city.

In the East Zone, two lakes completely dried up.

2 of 2 Drought turned the area that would be the entire Negro River into a mere stream — Photo: Reproduction/Jornal Hoje
Drought turned the area that would be the entire Negro River into a mere stream — Photo: Reproduction/Jornal Hoje

Navigation has been affected since September. With the river rising, ships resumed their route last week.

At the end of October, the state had all 62 municipalities affected by river drought. At the time, the State Civil Defense reported that the drought directly affected more than 600,000 people.

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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Dredging rivers place June reduce impacts navigation government Amazon




