Sefaz-AL sends loads of mineral water and other items to flood victims in RS; products are the result of donations and seizures


The Government of Alagoas, through the Finance Department (Sefaz), will send three trucks loaded with mineral water and other items to Rio Grande do Sul (RS) tomorrow (10) to be donated to victims of the floods that have already left more than 100 dead and thousands of homeless people in the region.

The special secretary of the State Revenue, Francisco Suruagy, known as Kiko, explained to CadaMinuto that one of the loads that will be donated, 20-liter water cylinders, was seized due to tax irregularities, in one of the Finance Department’s operations.

The other trailer, also loaded with water cylinders, was donated by the Mineral Water Bottling Industry Union of the State of Alagoas (Sindágua).

The third vehicle contains various items, such as mattresses, beds and clothes. These are objects donated by the population and also seized goods.

In the report, the Finance Secretary, Renata Santos, said that she contacted the RS Finance Secretariat to ensure that donations reach the victims. She added that a survey is still being carried out to determine which other seized items can still be sent in trucks.

In addition to Sindágua, the Sefaz initiative also has the support of the Wholesale Distributor Trade Association of the State of Alagoas (Acadeal), which will transport donations at no cost.

Sefaz will receive, until 5pm next Tuesday (14), donations that must be delivered to Escola Fazendária, in Jacarecica. The items will be sent to RS in a fourth truck that will leave Maceió next week.

The destination of the cargo is the Rio Grande do Sul Civil Defense Logistics Base, in Porto Alegre.

Renata Santos and Kiko Suruagy – Photo: Agência Alagoas/Arquivo

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: SefazAL sends loads mineral water items flood victims products result donations seizures




