Amazonas will send 15 firefighters to rescue work in Rio Grande do Sul, government announces | Amazon

Amazonas will send 15 firefighters to rescue work in Rio Grande do Sul, government announces | Amazon
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1 of 1 Fifteen AM firefighters are sent to perform rescue work in Rio Grande do Sul. — Photo: Divulgação/Secom
Fifteen AM firefighters are sent to carry out rescue work in Rio Grande do Sul. — Photo: Divulgação/Secom

Fifteen soldiers from the Amazonas Fire Department (CBMAM) and three vehicles will be sent to provide humanitarian aid to Rio Grande do Sul. The professionals will work to rescue victims of intense rains and floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The announcement was made by the governor of Amazonas, Wilson Lima, this Thursday (9) and the military will leave Manaus this Friday (10).

“The team goes along BR-319, taking an entire structure, such as cars, diving and rescue equipment. We are working on a process of self-sufficiency, in which we get there and do not need to demand other resources, such as food and drinking water. We are taking everything from here, including rescue equipment”, explained the governor.

Starting with the CBMAM General Command, the team will be made up of two divers, three lifeguards, two specialists in land rescue, one in natural disasters, one in Pre-Hospital Care and six specialists in rescue in collapsed structures.

In addition to firefighters, three vehicles will also be sent. The corporation’s military personnel will carry self-sufficiency kits and personal protective equipment, carrying out the mission with the Amazonas Government’s own resources.

The troop will travel by ferry leaving Manaus and, due to the difficulty of logistical access to the affected areas, the trip is expected to last six days.

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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Amazonas send firefighters rescue work Rio Grande Sul government announces Amazon




