TJSC solidarity network collects donations for the victims of the tragedy in RS – Press

TJSC solidarity network collects donations for the victims of the tragedy in RS – Press
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The solidarity network formed by the Santa Catarina Court of Justice campaign to help victims of the climate tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul engaged magistrates, civil servants and other collaborators in different regions of the State. Water, blankets, bedding and dog food were collected at the Court of Justice and in the Capital district. In addition, around 50 pieces of furniture including cabinets, tables and shelves were donated and are now heading to the city of Igrejinha.

“Santa Catarina is a State that has experience in quickly responding to climate catastrophes. The performance of the entire Judiciary Branch perfectly reflects the resilient profile of our population. This is, without a doubt, the most effective way to offer support and comfort to the population of Rio Grande do Sul at this delicate time”, points out the general administrative director, Alexsandro Postali.

In the district of Lages, in Serra Santa Catarina, the mobilization to collect donations began on Monday (6/5). The first shipment of clothes, shoes, food and water, among other items, has already been sent to the Assembly of God church, which sorts everything that arrives. A truck will leave on Friday (10/5) with donations, destined for the municipalities of Estrela, Lajeado and Encantado.

The collection box will remain at the Forum until that date for anyone who still wants to help. “When we emptied the box, new donations arrived, and we still have other larger objects donated by the servers to forward. May this current of kindness bring some relief to our neighbors, who have been suffering so much”, reinforces head of secretariat Yonara Zeschau Schimitz Silva.

Legal advisor Guilherme Martins Santilino, one of the campaign’s organizers in the district, says that a mattress and wheelchair arrived. “With everyone’s effort, we will do our part. Any help is welcome,” he highlights. Anyone who wants to volunteer in the screening can go to the church near Joca Neves square, in the center of Lages.

In the north of the state, employees from the district of Joinville mobilized in favor of a campaign to collect bed and bath linen, duvets, water, hygiene items and food. Donations were sent to the city’s fire department headquarters, which serves as a collection point for shipment to the neighboring state.

In the region of Criciúma, in the South region, the collection point is located under the stairs, on the ground floor, and has already received several items for donation. Sergeant Deoclesio Marcos Silvestre, from the Forum’s guard corps, together with friends and residents of the São Luiz neighborhood, in that city, was in charge of receiving the donations collected to send them to the Veranópolis neighborhood, in the city of Cachoeirinha, metropolitan region of Porto Alegre. Donations will be sent on Monday or Tuesday to the municipality of Rio Grande do Sul. The main items requested are cleaning and personal hygiene materials, diapers, non-perishable food, water and clothes. Donations continue next week, at the same location.

In the district of Içara, magistrates and civil servants held a collective collection, in an initiative led by the district’s social worker, Raquel Horner, and purchased 2,500 500 ml bottles of water, 450 liters of water in gallons and various cleaning materials. The items will be sent to a group of volunteers in the municipality of Porto Alegre.

In the region of Blumenau, in Vale do Itajaí, the collection of donations to help victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul began this Tuesday afternoon (7/5). In the box located on the ground floor of the Blumenau Central Forum, close to the stairs, there are already items such as water, non-perishable food and animal feed. The location, easily accessible and visible, was chosen to promote better engagement in the Santa Catarina Judiciary’s solidarity campaign. The collected items will be sent to the municipality’s official collection points.

In solidarity, the district of Timbó, also in the Itajaí Valley, joined forces to collect items for the benefit of the population of Rio Grande do Sul. Gallons of water, personal hygiene items (for the elderly, adults and children), cleaning products were donated , towels, bed linen, food, animal feed, clothing and footwear in general. The items will be transported by the municipality to the neighboring state.

Donate too

Santa Catarina Judiciary forums and units provide collection boxes in visible and accessible locations to later send donations to the neighboring state. Furthermore, anyone who wants to make a cash donation can preferably do so via the official Pix of the State of Rio Grande do Sul: CNPJ 92.958.800/0001-38 – Banrisul.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: TJSC solidarity network collects donations victims tragedy Press




