Xapuri-AC City Hall opens selection for General Practitioner

Xapuri-AC City Hall opens selection for General Practitioner
Descriptive text here

The City of Xapuri, in the state of Acre, opens registrations on May 13th for the new simplified selection process that seeks to fill the position of General practitioner due to exceptional public interest in the city’s essential public health services.

Registration opening

Closes registrations

Salaries up to
R$ 1,000.00

Total vacancies

The role requires complete higher education in Medicine and registration with the Regional CRM Medicine Council. The salary offered is R$ 10,000.00for a weekly workload of 40 hours.

The employment contract will have a fixed term of one year, and may be extended for as long as the necessary reasons from the city council continue.

How to participate

Registrations must be made between May 13th and 16th, 2024, from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm, only in person at the headquarters of the Municipal Payment and General Coordination Secretariat, located at Rua 24 de Janeiro, nº 260 , Center. No registration fee will be charged.


This competition will consist of proof of qualifications, professional development and specific skills.

The final result will be published online via the website https://www.xapuri.ac.gov.br.

The town of Xapuri/AC emerged shortly after Volta da Empreza (Rio Branco), in 1883, in a strategic location at the confluence of the Xapuri river with the Acre river. The location became one of the main commercial warehouses in Acre during the Rubber Cycle. During the period of the Acre Revolution, Xapuri was occupied by Bolivian authorities who began to call it Mariscal Sucre. In 1903, the Acre Revolution culminated in the Annexation of Acre to Brazil. Its name derives from the indigenous tribe of the Xapurys.

The simplified selection process will be valid for one year from the date of approval of the final result, and may be extended for an equal period.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: XapuriAC City Hall opens selection General Practitioner




