Acre sends military personnel and Fire Department equipment to help victims of the disaster in RS | Acre

Acre sends military personnel and Fire Department equipment to help victims of the disaster in RS | Acre
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1 of 3 Government of Acre sent disaster experts to help RS — Photo: Andryo Amaral/ Rede Amazônica
Government of Acre sent disaster experts to help RS — Photo: Andryo Amaral/ Rede Amazônica

Starting this Thursday (9), the government of Acre will send an officer, three soldiers from the Fire Department, a vessel, a vehicle and personal protective and rescue equipment to help victims of the flood in Rio Grande do Sul.

All professionals are experts in disasters and boat piloting. Captain Marcos Corrêa, commander of the Battalion that will lead the Acre team, said that the trip will be made by car and the expectation is that the team will arrive in Porto Alegre between the 16th or 17th of May.

2 of 3 Acre sends military personnel and Fire Department equipment — Photo: Andryo Amaral/ Rede Amazônica
Acre sends military personnel and Fire Department equipment — Photo: Andryo Amaral/ Rede Amazônica

“Our expectation is to travel from today and arrive in Rio Grande do Sul around the 16th and 17th, especially because we are taking a boat and also taking some materials that will contribute to helping the population in Rio Grande do Sul , in terms of rescue and rescue”, he explains.

The governor of Acre, Gladson Cameli, highlighted that this is a humanitarian issue and made the state available to help.

“It’s a question of humanity, right? The State is positioning itself, the League of Firefighters, of the National Fire Brigade, seeing every need, highlighting what we are able to support, we are supporting. And, thus, being asked for more effective , more equipment, we will be forwarding so that we don’t leave our brothers in Rio Grande do Sul destitute”.

He also said he was concerned about the dry period in the state, which occurs between the months of July and September. “Brazil must always be prepared for these natural issues. As I mentioned just now, I am already worried about the severe drought that will come, the summer, which forecasts say is four degrees higher. But we will be ready and prepared to face whatever you have to face”, he said.

Acre also set up donation collection points for residents affected by the rains in Rio Grande do Sul (RS).

Donations can be left at the following points:

  • Headquarters of the PRF Superintendence in Acre (7am to 5pm) – Avenida Epaminondas Jacomé, Center of Rio Branco
  • Xapuri PRF Operational Unit, at km 237 of BR-317, in the interior of Acre
  • PRF Santa Cecília Operational Unit, at km 115 of BR-364, leaving Rio Branco
  • Gollog: AABB roundabout, in Rio Branco

3 of 3 PRF Campaign mobilizes donations for Rio Grando do Sul — Photo: Reproduction
PRF campaign mobilizes donations for Rio Grando do Sul — Photo: Reproduction

Teams are receiving:

  • Potable water
  • Coat
  • Bedding
  • Towels
  • Shoes
  • Socks
  • Disposable diapers
  • Absorbents
  • Wet wipe
  • Soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Others

In Cruzeiro do Sul, the city’s Commercial Association (Acecs) launched a campaign to raise funds to help the city of the same name, in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The president of Acisa, Luiz Antônio Cunha, explained that the campaign was born within of the association as a form of a concrete gesture of solidarity with the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

“The coincidence that a city that shares the same name with us, with a population of around 18 thousand inhabitants and had 80% of its area devastated, made us decide to channel our donations directly there”, he highlighted.

Through social media, the organization confirmed the donation of R$8,100 from Acecs businesspeople to the city of Rio Grande do Sul this Tuesday (8) and R$9,011 from the Association. There are plans to send an additional R$7,111 this Wednesday to the residents of Cruzeiro do Sul (RS).

RS has 417 of its 497 municipalities with some report of problems related to the storm, with 1.4 million people affected. The state records 128 missing and 372 injured.

More than 100 dead in the tragedy

There are 232.6 thousand people away from home. Of this total, 67,563 are in shelters and 165,112 are homeless (people staying with family or friends).

RS has 428 of its 497 municipalities with some report of problems related to the storm, with 1,482,006 million people affected.

Reporter Andryo Amaral, from Rede Amazônica, collaborated.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Acre sends military personnel Fire Department equipment victims disaster Acre




