Pernambuco sends this Friday (10) personnel and equipment to Rio Grande do Sul

Pernambuco sends this Friday (10) personnel and equipment to Rio Grande do Sul
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This Friday (10), 21 CBMPE soldiers and four Civil Defense agents will begin their journey, by land, towards Rio Grande do Sul. Traveling a distance of more than 2,900 km, the people from Pernambuco will join the Security Forces gaúchas in rescuing victims resulting from the calamity caused by heavy rains. The Pernambuco Military Fire Department carries out the largest mobilization of personnel and equipment to support another State that suffers from natural disasters.

The Military Firefighters and Civil Defense agents of Pernambuco make up a team specialized in responding to disasters, such as responding to floods, floods and barrier slides, a specialty of the CBMPE.

The mission will also feature two pairs (search dogs and their respective handlers), and will be carried out in seven rescue vehicles equipped with specific materials for rescuing stranded victims and 3 inflatable rescue boats with outboard engines.


The CBMPE soldiers sent on this mission predominantly originate in the Sertão of the State, coming from municipalities such as Petrolina, Salgueiro and Serra Talhada. With this action, the state government aims to maintain a ready-response structure for disasters in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Zona da Mata and Agreste of the State, areas that may face rain in the coming months.

With information: JC Online

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Pernambuco sends Friday personnel equipment Rio Grande Sul




