In MS, only 53% of taxpayers have already declared Income Tax – Economy

In MS, only 53% of taxpayers have already declared Income Tax – Economy
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Deadline ends in three weeks, on May 31st; Federal Revenue expects to receive 623 thousand total declarations

Taxpayer accesses the Federal Revenue app. (Photo: Henrique Kawaminami)

Mato Grosso do Sul reached, on the afternoon of this Thursday (9), the mark of 336 thousand Income Tax declarations for 2024, according to the latest balance released by the Federal Revenue Service. According to the survey, the amount corresponds to 53% of the volume expected by the agency.

By the deadline, on May 31st, 623,365 declarations are expected throughout the State.
In the country, 26 million declarations were submitted, equivalent to 38% of the total of 43 million active taxpayers in the previous year.

According to the Federal Revenue’s simultaneous panel, 53.1% of declarations were made in a simplified form and already represent 29% of what was declared in the same period last year.

Zumilson Custódio da Silva, Federal Revenue officer in Campo Grande, believes that there has been an increase in the number of declarations due to the ease that taxpayers have this year in filling out and sending the documents. It is important to remember that peak times are between 9am and 11am.

Who must declare:

  • Received taxable income greater than R$30,639.90 in 2023. The value is higher than in 2022, when it was R$28,559.70;
  • Last year, you received exempt income, non-taxable or taxed exclusively at source, in excess of R$200,000. Examples are inheritances and donations. This value was R$40 thousand in the previous year;
  • Received capital from the sale of assets or rights subject to tax in any month of 2023;
  • In 2023, it sold on stock, commodity, futures and similar exchanges and obtained a return greater than R$40 thousand;
  • Earned gross revenue from rural activity worth more than R$153,199.50 in 2023. In the previous year, it was R$142,798.50;
  • In 2023, he began to have possession or ownership of goods or rights with a total value greater than R$800 thousand. In 2022, it was R$300 thousand;

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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: taxpayers declared Income Tax Economy




