In Minas, goods collected for donations to Rio Grande do Sul are exempt from tax and transport documents

In Minas, goods collected for donations to Rio Grande do Sul are exempt from tax and transport documents
Descriptive text here

In Minas Gerais, goods collected from third parties for donations to victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul are exempt from an invoice and bill of lading document. The Minas Gerais government complies with what is established in Sinief Adjustment No. 9, of May 7, 2024, published by the National Council for Financial Policy (Confaz). The exemption is valid until June 30th.

According to the Minas Gerais State Finance Department (SEF/MG), to send donations, it is necessary to complete the Declaration of Content attached to the Agreement itself.

– Goods must be sent to:

– Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul;

– Civil Defense of the State of Rio Grande do Sul;

– Municipal Governments of the State of Rio Grande do Sul;

– Non-profit charitable entities domiciled in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.

NF-e requirement

The requirement to issue an electronic invoice (NF-e) only applies to companies that ship their own goods. To do this, they must indicate the Operations and Benefits Tax Code (CFOP) for donation.



The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Minas goods collected donations Rio Grande Sul exempt tax transport documents




