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Anesthesiologist who abused pregnant woman is arrested in the act in RJ

Image: Reproduction

In the early hours of Monday (11), Giovanni Quintella Bezerra, a 32-year-old anesthesiologist, was booked in flagrante delicto and arrested for rape of a vulnerable person in Rio de Janeiro.

The incident took place in Heloneida Studart Women’s Hospital in Vilar dos Teles, São João de Meriti, municipality in Baixada Fluminense. The team of nurses decided to discreetly record, without Bezerra knowing, the cesarean procedure, as they were already suspicious of the anesthesiologist’s conduct.

The crime took place in the operating room, with other health professionals in the same room and with the victim undergoing cesarean section to give birth.

In the video the patient is lying on the stretcher, sedated. On the left side of the sheet, which is used in surgeries, the hospital team performs the cesarean section. Already on the right side of the sheet, Giovanni unzips his pants, pulls its genitals out and inserts it into the victim’s mouth.

The crime lasts for 10 minutes. In the recording, it is possible to see that, while Giovanni rapes the pregnant woman, he tries to move little so that no one notices anything. After he finishes committing the crime, he takes a tissue and wipes the victim to hide any traces.

Moment when the Civil Police accuse the anesthesiologist in the act / Source: Metrópoles

And he added: “Yesterday, on the 10th, there were three surgeries. In the second surgery there was a problem with the scalpel and she [a integrante da equipe] he had to check what the problem was and then he came across the doctor with his penis exposed. But she remained calm, as if she hadn’t seen it, and they, in order not to be in a situation of just one person reporting, decided, together, to try to record images, to try to document the actions of the investigated in the other surgery ”.

After filming, the team informed the hospital’s directors, who called the Civil Police. The doctor was arrested in the act and will be sent to the custody hearing.

source: instagram

Graduated in medicine since 2017, Bezerra graduated as an anesthetist in April 2022, and over the years he has visited at least ten public and private hospitals in Rio de Janeiro.

Quintella shared procedures from his routine and life as a doctor on an instagram account, since November 2021. Netizens angry with the crime expressed themselves in the comments of the social network.

The penalty for those who commit the crime of rape of vulnerable varies between 8 and 15 years in prison.

The direction of the Vilar dos Teles Women’s Hospital reported that it opened an internal investigation and notified Cremerj. SAERJ (Society of Anesthesiology of the State of Rio de Janeiro), the Health Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Secretary of State for Health repudiated Bezerra’s conduct in a note.

Cremerj (Regional Council of Medicine of the State of Rio de Janeiro) opened a process to expel Giovanni Quintella Bezerra.

With information from Agência Brasil

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Anesthesiologist abused pregnant woman arrested act

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