What It Could Be, How to Relieve It and Causes

What It Could Be, How to Relieve It and Causes
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Plantar fasciitis: is one of the most common diagnoses. Inflammation of the foot fascia — a membrane that connects the heel to the toes — can appear due to lack of stretching, heavy sporting activities or anatomical changes. It is usually worse in the morning, when you first step out of bed, or after sitting for long periods. Treatment: insoles, cold compresses, infiltrations and medications are indicated. Surgical procedures are rarely necessary.

Calcaneal spur: It is a plantar calcification whose radiographic image usually appears as a pointed structure and is associated with excessive traction on a tendon. The spur does not always cause pain, but it can happen. Treatment: when there is inflammation, rest and the use of anti-inflammatories are recommended.

Sever’s disease: Typically, it affects children and adolescents aged eight to 16 who practice high-impact exercises, such as gymnastics, running, jumping and even ballet. The pain occurs in the region where the calcaneus bone grows and characterizes a lesion in the cartilage. Treatment: It is recommended to reduce training and jumping to prevent the pain from worsening, in addition to using ice packs.

Tendinitis: among the most common tendon inflammations, that of the calcaneus or Achilles tendon stands out. It works like a rope that connects the muscles in the back of the leg to the main heel bone. Thus, when a local imbalance occurs — whether muscular or joint — the tendon ends up exerting excessive traction on the bone, generating local inflammation and consequent pain. Peroneal tendinitis affects the area outside the ankle and generally intensifies throughout the day. Treatment: the main guideline is to avoid physical activities that momentarily cause pain, but without forgetting that strengthening your muscles is important.

Foot shape: The way you walk and the morphology of your feet can influence pain. This is something that can be born with the person or appear throughout life, especially due to the use of inappropriate footwear. These are the famous flat or flat feet, with accentuated curves and legs with varus (knee turned outwards). Treatment: postural correction exercises and constant assessment.

Heel bursitis: The bursa functions as a cushioning sac that sits between the heel bone and the Achilles tendon. When inflammation in the region occurs, it makes movement of the foot difficult. Treatment: stretching and medications to contain inflammatory action.

The article is in Portuguese

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