in celebration at Teatro Oficina, cast reinforces the legacy of the program


O “Rá-Tim-Bum Castle” complete exact 30 years this Thursday (30). In day May 9, 1994premiered on TV Cultura one of the most successful programs on Brazilian television. In celebration of the launch, part of the direction and cast met today at Workshop Theater, located in the central region of São Paulo.

The event, open to the public from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, was also attended by 40 children of neighborhood schools. There, participants sang happy birthday and shared a cake with an image of the castle. Additionally, there was a countdown in reference to the live launch ceremony on Journal of Culture, at the time shown at 12 pm.

From left to right, Fredy Állan, Cao Hamburger, Carlos Alberto Gardin and Pascoal da Conceição – Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Fredy Állan, who at the age of nine gave life to the character Zequinhareinforced, in an interview with the TV Cultura website, that it is important to look at production thinking about the present day and the next 30 years.

“I’ve been telling the public, if you feel it, it’s because you’re alive. So it is necessary to take this feeling of nostalgia, of a story of different Zequinhas and of different ‘my 30 years of Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum’ and accept the age you are to play with strength [dos personagens]”, advises the actor.

Why at Teatro Oficina?

The space chosen for the celebration was not by chance. Pascoal da Conceiçãowho interpreted the Dr. Zucchini and worked at the site, he was responsible for promoting the reunion.

In an interview with the TV Cultura portal, the artist says that he was inspired by the Zé Celso as Silvio Santos Group through the land next to the Workshop to create the character.

“The idea is that the Castle is a factory of culture and knowledge […] always threatened by power and money, and here [no Oficina] It’s the same thing”, he added during the event Cao Hamburger, general director and one of the program’s creators.

Read also: Get to know behind the scenes of ‘Morgana and Celeste’, a series derived from ‘Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum’

The legacy of the Castle

Although he was not present at the celebration for personal reasons, Alvaro Petersenwhich gives life to the snake Heavenly and to Godofredo, also paid tribute to the 30th anniversary through an exclusive interview.

“Castelo is responsible for accompanying children and teenagers from all over Brazil […] Every time someone finds out that I brought these characters to life, I receive so much gratitude, that for me is the true legacy of everything we did, which is to inspire love, joy and value our entire culture, giving we value our people, Brazil”, says Petersen.

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @oficinauzynauzona

Furthermore, the actor makes a point of highlighting that the television project encouraged and continues to encourage different artistic segments, such as literature, The music, O theater, The dance, to the visual arts and the audiovisual itself.

“The language of doll manipulation was extremely valued from the launch, where the characters became beloved by Brazilians, who are now parents and some are even grandparents, it was a great privilege to be part of this”, concludes Álvaro.


Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @oficinauzynauzona

Even though the media as a whole seeks to know how the actors who played the characters are doing today, Pascoal draws attention to the other side of the screen: how are those who watched the 90s series, the viewers themselves, doing. According to the actor and voice actor, many of them are on the front line of actions to support victims of the rains and floods that hit Rio Grande do Sul.

Read also: TV Cultura joins the mobilization in favor of flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul

“At this difficult time, it was a tribute to this generation, from all over Brazil, that helps and supports our people in the South. This generation in love with the castle, so helpful, with so much compassion, is our certainty that better days will come”, highlights Easter.

Productions involving the program

Unreleased episodes of “Morgana and Celeste”, series derived from Castelo, are airing throughout this month on the network’s programming.

Fredy Állan He also said he should release a book this year recounting his experience playing the youngest in the series. The idea is to give fans space to tell their memories.

“The intention is for the book to have a link so that people who buy it can virtually contribute to their stories. The objective is to make the public find each other”, explains the actor.


Cast of ‘Castelo-Rá-Tim-Bum’ (1994-1997) – Photo: Disclosure / TV Cultura

In an interview carried out in December 2023, Eneas Pereiraexecutive vice-president and director of programming at the station, said that TV Cultura is working on a film and another series of “Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum”.

The feature film, directed by Cao Hamburger, is scheduled to premiere in 2025. The series, with 26 episodes, does not yet have a release date.

The TV Cultura website confirmed this Thursday (9) that production forecasts remain unchanged.

Remember below “Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum: O Reencontro” and one of the episodes of “Morgana and Celeste”:

Read also: TV Rá Tim Bum premieres new productions in celebration of 30 years of ‘Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum’

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: celebration Teatro Oficina cast reinforces legacy program




