Rio is not mother Joana’s home, says Paes about Bruno Mars show

Rio is not mother Joana’s home, says Paes about Bruno Mars show
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Mayor of the capital of Rio de Janeiro refused authorization for the singer to perform on October 4th and 5th, on the weekend of the 1st round of elections

Mayor Eduardo Paes (PSD) said this Thursday (May 9, 2024) that Rio “It’s not mother Joana’s house”. He criticized the production company Live Nation that sold tickets to the Bruno Mars concert in the capital. The date of the event had not been authorized by the city hall.

The singer’s show in Rio was announced for October 4th, the day before the elections. After selling out, the producer said there would be an extra presentation on October 5th, the date of the municipal election.

“Everyone knows that I am the first to make a point of encouraging, supporting and giving all the strength to make these events happen. You’ll excuse my expression, but this isn’t mother Joana’s house, it’s no man’s land.”, in a video published on his social media profile.

According to the mayor, the city’s public security contingent is committed to the elections. He stated that his priority is to ensure that the population is safe to vote. “Apparently these producers thought they were more important than the people of Rio or didn’t understand,” he said.

“It is impossible to guarantee that tens of thousands of people return at night, early in the morning to Engenhão with adequate security and urban planning due to the electoral process”. Paes stated that he will work with the authorities so that “victims” of that “abusive and misleading advertising” are not harmed.

For the mayor, Live Nation decided “hit head on” thinking the public authorities would “put your head down and accept an arbitrary and abusive decision”. And he further declared: “Here we like to party, we like to celebrate life, we like to have fun, to welcome artists, but here there is order and respect for the law”.

Finally, Eduardo Paes invited North American singer Bruno Mars to perform in Rio. “Come on, Bruno Mars, let’s fix this date”, he said.

Watch (3h50s):

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Rio mother Joanas home Paes Bruno Mars show




