Leonardo blasts Madonna’s performance: ‘It’s not a show, it’s an orgy’ | Daniel Nascimento

Leonardo blasts Madonna’s performance: ‘It’s not a show, it’s an orgy’ | Daniel Nascimento
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Published 05/09/2024 17:45 | Updated 05/09/2024 17:46

Leonardo detonated the show that Madonna performed on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro, last Saturday (4). The singer praised the talent of the Queen of Pop, but classified the show as “an orgy”.

The country singer tours Brazil with a show titled “Cabaré”, he stated that he did not watch the North American artist’s show. “We don’t waste time with this type of show. That’s not a show, it’s an orgy. You do that there somewhere else, not in a show, not on stage. If you have to do it, do it in the swing house”, he declared.

Then, Poliana Rocha’s husband associated the show with Satanism: “There’s a lot of stuff there that is aimed at Satan, at the devil in four. There’s a lot of things wrong. That’s what I think, my opinion.”

Finally, Leonardo praised Madonna’s talent. “She is a great singer. Who are we, mere mortals, to talk about a singer like Madonna, with that physical vigor, with that dance that she does”, he stated. “For me, as a singer, she is the best, by far. There’s no singer who can hold her own. Her performance as a singer is amazing, it’s wonderful. Now, the context itself, Satanism together… I’m a Christian, so I don’t like it.” Check it out below:

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Leonardo blasts Madonnas performance show orgy Daniel Nascimento




