Astrid Fontenelle reverses Jojo Todynho after criticizing the government | Daniel Nascimento

Astrid Fontenelle reverses Jojo Todynho after criticizing the government | Daniel Nascimento
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Published 05/09/2024 19:33

Jojo Todynho was reversed by Astrid Fontenelle this Thursday afternoon (9). The singer published a video criticizing the government after the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul and received a warning from the presenter.

In a video published on Instagram, the artist questions the reasons why the national force is not working in the state after the floods and calls out President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. “Calm down, friend, the public authorities are there, it turns out that they wouldn’t be able to handle it alone. Regarding the abuse, the damned people were arrested and amazingly: the children were already victims of this rubbish at home! And yes, the Brazilian people are putting on a show”, commented Astrid.

In the recording, the champion of the rural reality show “A Fazenda” declared: “I’m here to call on the authorities, the President of the Republic, government officials, to put your hand, your face, because Rio Grande do Sul needs you. The people Brazilian is giving mobilization classes to help people. Where are the public authorities? They are looting, abusing women and children, things are worse than we imagine?

“Where are you to promote the minimum? Integrity? Dignity? Security? Where are you? The people can’t take it anymore. We who pay our taxes on time, have the duty to demand from you rulers, politicians and president, a position for the people? “, he continued.

“The population can’t take it anymore. As a citizen, who honors my commitments, I and everyone else, we are waiting for a response from you. It’s a horror scene, I’m terrified by the things I’m seeing and hearing. There’s a lack of education, there’s a lack of healthcare , there is a lack of basic sanitation. We are waiting for a response”, he added.

Despite criticism from Jojo Todynho, Lula announced R$50 billion in economic measures to support Rio Grande do Sul and 220 National Force agents were sent by the Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowski.

In the comments, more internet users caught Jojo’s attention with the information. “Guys, the federal government is doing it. All the bodies involved, however, is a catastrophe that has greatly affected the state,” said one. “Sorry, Jojo, but just inform yourself and don’t keep making sensationalist posts, wow”, declared another. “Woman, the lady who needs to be better informed. This type of speech only feeds people who are not at all willing to help”, said a third.




