Woman is found living in a market roof in the USA; place even had decoration | World

Woman is found living in a market roof in the USA; place even had decoration | World
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1 of 1 Woman is found living in a market roof in the USA; The place even had decorations.

Woman is found living in a market roof in the USA; The place even had decorations. Photo: EBC

A woman from the state of Michigan, in the United States, was foundliving on the roof of a supermarket. According to her statement to the police, she had lived there for about a year.

Brennon Warren, public affairs officer for the Midland Police Department, told Business Insider that the woman was found on April 23 by contractors who discovered a ‘crack’ in the property’s roof.

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Warren confirmed to BI that the woman is 34 years old and works. She decorated the space with a work table, flooring, pantry and plants. According to the ABC News, Warren said the woman also had a designer coffee maker, a printer and a computer.

Police said it is unclear how she accessed the roof and what led her to live there. It is now unknown where she is since she left the scene.

The woman has not been formally charged, police said.

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Tags: Woman living market roof USA place decoration World




