“Stopping now is losing”

“Stopping now is losing”
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Retired General Amir Avivi, president and founder of the Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF), said in an interview with the news agency The Media Line that US pressure for Israel to cease operations in Rafah amounts to defeat.

“Stopping now means losing the war. We cannot return to a scenario where Hamas can grow stronger and threaten our security,” he said. Avivi, who has an extensive career in the Israel Defense Forces, was deputy commander of the Gaza division.

Avivi explained that the operation aims not only to eliminate Hamas, but also to strengthen Israel’s position in the face of regional threats, such as Lebanon, Hezbollah, Iran and militias in Syria and Iraq.

He also addressed criticism of the IDF’s preparation and response to the October attacks, attributing flaws to outdated ideas and a lack of adaptability on the part of military leadership. Avivi called for a profound review of Israeli military strategy to avoid repeating these mistakes.

The interview reflects the views of the IDSF, which brings together more than 22,000 reserve officers and security professionals, focusing on the need for Israel to guarantee its security autonomously. Avivi reiterated that the solution to the current crisis necessarily involves the military and strategic strengthening of Israel, without giving in to international pressure that could compromise national security.

Who is Amir Avivi

Brigadier General (Res.) Amir Avivi is a central figure in the national security debate in Israel, being founder and president of the Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF). His career in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is marked by several positions of leadership and influence. During his service, Avivi held high-ranking positions, including deputy commander of the Gaza division, director of the chief of staff’s office, and commander of the combat engineering school.

After retiring from operational activities, Avivi did not stay away from national security issues. On the contrary, he channeled his experience to found the IDSF, an organization that brings together more than 22,000 reserve officers and operatives from all branches of the Israeli security forces.

The IDSF is an organization that positions Israel’s security as the highest national priority. The organization is instrumental in policy formulation, education and awareness of the national security needs of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.

IDSF’s work is anchored in the belief that Israel must independently ensure its security while actively countering threats to its security. Its military veterans, media personalities and national security experts play a key role in disseminating the State of Israel’s security strategy.

In addition to being a think tank Influential, the IDSF maintains a robust educational program that aims to instill the values ​​of Zionism and national service in the young generation of Israelis. IDSF also conducts comprehensive research in a variety of security-related fields, including Palestinian society, the Iranian threat, and US, EU, and Israeli relations, contributing crucial information to strategic and policy decisions.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Stopping losing




