4 popular sayings you’ve always heard, but probably say wrong


You sayings are popular expressions passed down through generations. Over time, many “adaptations” may appear along the way. This occurs because it only takes one group of people to misunderstand the expression for the saying to give rise to several other versions. See some popular sayings that you’ve probably already said wrong.

In addition to the errors that may arise over the years, the way words are pronounced and the structure of sentences may change, causing such changes.

It is also necessary to consider factors such as regionalism, accents and influences from other languages, which can contribute to these differences, leading to the creation of different versions of the same saying. Some are very funny and make no sense at all. But still, they are talked about out there.

Sayings that everyone gets wrong

There are some sayings that cause more confusion and, therefore, have changed over time. Among the most wrongly said are:

1. “Spitted and spat on”: the correct one is “Carved in Carrara”. The phonetic similarity between “custido” and “esculvido” can lead to the exchange, while “escarrado” and “Carrara” are distant, but still get into the confusion. Carrara, in Italy, is famous for its white marble, a noble material used in sculptures of great beauty. The expression refers to perfection and care.

two. “They are bones of the trade”: the correct saying is “They are the bones of the trade”. The exchange between “bones” and “idleness” happens and leads to some jokes, depending on the degree of intimacy between people. A expression Correct means that difficulties and challenges are part of the routine of a job.

3. “The color of a donkey when it runs away”: Have you ever heard this error? Well, know that the truth is: “I run like a donkey when it runs away”. That’s right! It makes a reference to the speed of a fleeing donkey, comparing it to the haste or agility of someone in an urgent situation.

4. “When a little potato is born, it spreads across the floor”: Another saying that is very confused among people. O right is: “When a little potato is born, it spreads its branches across the ground”. The “branch” is the aerial part of the potato, made up of leaves and stalks. The expression describes how the potato, when growing, expands its branches across the ground, taking up space and developing.

And you? Have you ever made any of the above sayings wrong? If so, remember to always look for the true origin so as not to make a mistake or embarrass yourself.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: popular sayings youve heard wrong




