Colossal! Meet the largest land animal that ever existed


In the history of planet Earth, several species of animals Giants have already dominated the planet, from the time of the dinosaurs to today’s mammals.

Nowadays, we have immense specimens, such as the African elephant, the largest land animal today, which is four meters high and 10 meters long, and the blue whale, a giant of the seas that measures around 33.5 meters.

The fascination with these giants has driven scientific research in order to understand how these extraordinary animals evolved and lived in different eras.

The physiology of these giants varies, but many of them share specific adaptations that have allowed them to reach colossal sizes.

Among the most remarkable animals that have ever existed is the Patagotitan mayorumOr just Patagotitanthe largest land animal that ever lived.

Image: Wikimedia Commons/Reproduction

O Patagotitan was a sauropod, a group of dinosaurs characterized by their long necks, massive bodies and for being herbivores.

It is estimated that this “bichão” could reach an impressive 37 meters in length and weigh around 70 tons, which reaffirms its colossal mass.

Being part of the group of dinosaurs called sauropod, the Patagotitan they had distinct physiological characteristics that allowed them to reach gigantic size.

They had robust bodies, colossal legs that looked like tree trunks. tree and, of course, their iconic and aforementioned long necks, which allowed them to reach great heights to feed on treetops.

Its bone structure was adapted to support immense weight, with pneumatic bones that reduced body density, facilitating terrestrial locomotion despite its massive size.

In short, this genus of dinosaurs was the largest among these animals, which explains the fact that all the largest living beings ever studied were sauropods.

The discovery of the gentle giant

fd5002cb6f.jpgColossal-Meet-the-largest-land-animal-thImage: Egidio Feruglio Museum of Paleontology/Reproduction

O Patagotitan mayorum was discovered in PatagoniaArgentina, in 2014. This discovery caused a significant impact on the scientific world due to its colossal size.

Detailed studies of the fossils have revealed much information about the anatomy and lifestyle of this immense creature.

Scientists were able to estimate, for example, their body mass and better understand how these giants moved and fed.

And speaking of movement, like other sauropods, the Patagotitan He probably walked slowly, with closely spaced and firm steps, and had a docile temperament.

In addition to this animal, the Patagonia region has already been the scene of similar discoveries, such as those of Argentinosaurusof Dreadnoughtus and some others.

Paleontological studies involving the Patagotitan helped reconstruct the evolutionary history of sauropods and to understand how the Earth supported creatures of such magnitude.

The morphology and geographic distribution of these animals have also been the subject of studies.

Furthermore, these discoveries were published in respected scientific journals, a fact that ensures the credibility of the discoveries and subsequent studies.

Despite everything, the title of largest animal that ever existed may not keep the Patagotitan mayorum forever.

This is because new discoveries may be made in the future and even larger dinosaurs may be found.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Colossal Meet largest land animal existed




