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The loss of 4 stars from Escolinha do Professor Raimundo

Home » Grief » Heart attack, Alzheimer’s, stray bullet and cancer: The loss of 4 stars from Globo’s Escolinha do Professor Raimundo

Image of mourning / Cast of Professor Raimundo’s Escolinha – TVFOCO Montage

The sad death of 4 stars from Escolinha do Professor Raimundo

For those who don’t know, Professor Raimundo’s Escolinha debuted as its own program on television on August 4, 1957 and on TV Globo from 1973, until May 28, 1995.

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The program returned to the air in 1999 as part of the humorous Zorra Total, remaining until October 2000. With a truly strong cast, the attraction undoubtedly marked an entire generation. However, what many people don’t even imagine is that many of these names have already passed away from this life. So, this Wednesday (8), you will see everything about the loss of 4 stars from Escolinha do Professor Raimundo, from Globo with Brazil in mourning.

Let’s start by talking about Nélia Paula. The celebrity was on Globo for several years, in soap operas and humorous programs, such as “Chico City” and on Professor Raimundo’s School. However, Nélia Paula was the victim of a massive heart attack on September 8, 2002, at Retiro dos Artistas. She was 71 years old.

Nélia Paula as Amparito Pêra in Professor Raimundo’s Escolinha (Photo: Disclosure)

Secondly, let’s talk about César Macedo, Seu Eugênio from “Escolinha”, who died at the age of 81. Known for playing the character Seu Eugene in humorous programs such as Professor Raimundo’s School It is Little School of Noisethe actor César Macedo was greatly missed.

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He suffered septic shock caused by pneumonia. According to his family, the actor had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and had been battling depression since his wife’s death in 2012. The celebrity died in 2016.

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Continuing with our list, how can we not remember Older Cazarré. According to the Notícias da TV portal, he was a victim of violence in Rio de Janeiro and died tragically.

Older Cazarré – Photo Reproduction Internet2

On February 26, 1992, the actor’s life was interrupted by urban violence. He was sleeping in his apartment in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, when he was hit by a stray bullet. He was rescued… However, he didn’t resist. The actor was 57 years old. The origin of the shot was never clarified.

What happened to actor Francisco Milani?

And last but not least, actor Francisco Milani died in 2005. Milani did not survive advanced-stage cancer. The disease was already at an advanced stage, with metastasis.

Francisco Milani (Reproduction/Internet)

In a terminal condition, the actor left three recommendations for his wake: he wanted the ceremony to be short and for the Corinthians anthem and the Socialist International to be played. Milani died on August 13, 2005.