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Davi’s ex from BBB, Mani Reggo announces reopening of snack stall in Salvador: ‘I’m back this week’ | Bahia

1 of 3 Davi’s ex, Mani Reggo announces reopening of snack stall in Salvador — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks
Davi’s ex, Mani Reggo announces reopening of snack stall in Salvador — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Entrepreneur Mani Reggo, 42 years old, ex-girlfriend of Big Brother Brazil 2024 champion Davi, used social media on Monday (6) to announce that she will reopen the snack stall in the Matatu de Brotas neighborhood, in Salvador.

“I spent the day preparing the tent to welcome you. I’m back this week”, said Mani Reggo, without detailing the day of return to activities.

The establishment, which is located opposite the Army Hospital, underwent renovation last week and gained a new look. The space, which was all blue and white, became more colorful and attractive after a renovation carried out by graffiti artists.

2 of 3 Mani Reggo tent was renovated — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks
Mani Reggo tent was renovated — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Luxury car generated criticism

Without explaining who owns the vehicle, the ex-BBB member wrote a reflection in the caption of the publication.

“There are no impossible dreams for those who truly believe that the power to achieve resides within each human being. Whenever someone discovers this power, something previously considered impossible becomes reality,” he wrote.

3 of 3 BBB24 Champion, Davi was criticized for a photo with a luxury car — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks
BBB24 champion, Davi was criticized for a photo with a luxury car — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

In the comments, followers questioned whether the car belonged to Bahia and pointed out a possible unnecessary expense of the reality prize.

“You’ll run out of money in no time like this”one person opined. “Didn’t you say it’s stupid to buy an expensive car?”asked another follower.

Amid the criticism, some followers also defended David.

“A black guy winning has bothered so many people, right?”said a man. “The car belongs to Místico do Podpah, where he recorded yesterday”explained another person.

It was also in the comments space that Raquel Brito defended her brother from the criticism he received and reiterated that the vehicle was not his.

“Does this mean you can no longer take a photo with a big car that we see on the street?” he asked.

“That’s right, soon God will be making dreams come true,” agreed a follower.

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