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Champion of ‘BBB 24’, Davi denies his mother and denies the story: “Even that?”

Davi Brito, champion of ‘BBB 24’, is asked about the story shared by his mother, Elizângela Brito, is surprised and denies the information; look

Champion of BBB 24, David Brito21 years old, participated in the videocast PodPah this Friday (3). During the chat, the Bahian was asked about alleged cardiac arrests that he had suffered during his adolescence, according to his mother, Elizângela Brito. He denied having faced the health problems.

“Your mother showed up saying that you, kid, suffered cardiac arrest. Is this serious?”, asked presenter Igão. David did not hesitate: “No, bro, no, I never suffered from cardiac arrest, no. Boy, did they even say that?”.

“I’m not mistaken, no, they said”added the influencer. “I didn’t know that, no, honestly. Really, man? That I had cardiac arrest? Young? Young? Wow! They even said that about me?”David added in surprise.

Elizângela Brito, mother of the winner, stated in an interview with UOL Splash that her son had suffered three heart attacks. She said that, in one of the incidents, the young man had to crawl on the floor to call for help using a cell phone.


BBB 24 champion, the Bahian David Brito saw his life completely transform after leaving confinement at Globo. Single again after the reality show, with the end of his relationship with Mani Regohe pointed out that he was suffering persecution from people since he came into the spotlight and regretted having lost his privacy.

In an interview with PodPah, on Friday night (3), the celebrity said he was still trying to get used to the new life of a millionaire and celebrity. “assimilating the things that are happening”, he said.

He also commented on rumors that he was having a new affair when he was caught having dinner with an influencer in recent days. “I’m losing my privacy, everywhere I go”, complained.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Champion BBB Davi denies mother denies story