‘Renascer’ actress announces departure from the evangelical church and exposes her mother’s prejudice

‘Renascer’ actress announces departure from the evangelical church and exposes her mother’s prejudice
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The actress Eli Ferreira, who plays Professor Lu, in ReindeerscerGlobo’s current nine o’clock soap opera, revealed that he transitioned from the evangelical churchwhich he attended since childhood, for an African-based religion, in 2022.

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In an interview with the newspaper Extra, the artist gave details about how the practice of the Ifá cult works. “I realized that religion was nothing like what I had heard about my entire life within the evangelical church, which I believe to be the most intolerant. Anything linked to Africa and black people is very distorted”she said.

The actress of Rebornin turn, highlighted that “African-based religion does not impose false perfection”. “It also talks about ancestry, the importance of worshiping nature and valuing our elders. I never heard about this for so many years in church”Eli explained.

Sincerely, Eli Ferreira said thatinitially, There was resistance from her mother after she left the evangelical church. “My mother didn’t like it very much, as was to be expected. Initially, there were some doubts on her part. Either way, it wasn’t a big deal. If I am well resolved with myself, there is no pressure”, scored.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Renascer actress announces departure evangelical church exposes mothers prejudice




