Benedito Ruy Barbosa approves changes made by Bruno Luperi in Renascer

Benedito Ruy Barbosa approves changes made by Bruno Luperi in Renascer
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Benedito Ruy Barbosa and Bruno Luperi – Photo: Globo

This column exclusively revealed that the top management of TV Globo had determined changes in Renascer and they are already at full steam. In the next chapters, Bruno Luperi will have the mission of introducing new characters into the serial’s plot and, of course, his grandfather and original author of the project was aware of everything.

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According to sources in this column, renowned author Benedito Ruy Barbosa was aware that Globo had asked Bruno Luperi to ‘change and innovate’ some situations in Renascer. Even though he knew that his highly successful work in 1993 would undergo changes, his reaction would have been very positive.

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According to the source, Bruno would have spoken to Benedito and his grandfather never complained about the changes, giving him permission to change whatever he wanted. In fact, this is not the first project that Luperi has remade by the renowned author. In 2022, he remade ‘Pantanal’ and, yes, put his own touches on the soap opera, becoming a hit on TV Globo.

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Bruno Luperi talks about Benedito Ruy Barbosa

In an interview with ‘Folha de S. Paulo’, at the beginning of this year, Bruno spoke about the creation of the new version of Renascer, then he remembered his childhood with his grandfather. “Reborn needs a lot more work, a lot more sweat, research and creative solutions for the story to be told as it was conceived”, he said, who still has some memories of the original plot. “It was the first soap opera I saw happen“, remembered.

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I remember my grandfather writing because we always went to his house a lot. I saw him crying, smiling and getting emotional about the dramas”, reveals Bruno, telling a story from the time when he was still a child. “I also don’t forget that I was around 5 years old and, together with my brother, we took the Easter eggs and started stepping on the chocolate because the image of João Pedro [vivido por Palmeira na ocasião] kneading the cocoa made a big impression on me”, he vented.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Benedito Ruy Barbosa approves Bruno Luperi Renascer




