Globo reporter is severely attacked during tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul


A Globo reporter was the target of a terrible demonstration against the broadcaster live, this Wednesday (8). During Jornal da Globo, Arildo Palermo was unable to continue with his participation directly from Porto Alegre, in Rio Grande do Sul.

Reporter is harassed live (Image: Reproduction / Globo)

A reporter from Globe was the target of a terrible demonstration against the live broadcaster, this Wednesday (8). During Jornal da Globo, Arildo Palermo was unable to continue with his participation directly from Porto Alegre, in Rio Grande do Sul.

The journalist from the Rio station was called by Renata Lo Prete to talk about the rescue work carried out by volunteers. However, while addressing the subject, in the midst of the tragedy faced by the State, the reporter ended up being the target of a group of people who shouted against Globo.

“Globo television is no good. It’s a disservice to the people.”shouted a person, who was appearing in the background on the camera.

Live, the man even tried to approach the reporter, who was doing his job of informing the population, and issued other slogans against the vehicle.

Among things, he said that William Bonner “no longer has authority.” Another person also commented that the anchor of Jornal Nacional, who has been in Porto Alegre since Monday (6), should get his feet wet in the flood.

After realizing that he would not be able to continue with his work, Arildo returned to the news studio and Renata Lo Prete continued with the information.

Check out the video:

William Bonner is also attacked live on Globo

On Tuesday, as reported by the RD1Bonner was surprised by a voter of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) who accused Globo of having preferred Madonna to the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul.

“Where is Globo in the water? There are businessmen in Brazil working more than the president himself. Why did Globo only come to record here [agora]? Why wasn’t there anyone in the water before?” he asked at the time.

Luiz Fábio AlmeidaLuiz Fábio Almeida

Written by

Luiz Fábio Almeida

Luiz Fábio Almeida is a journalist, multimedia producer and passionate about what happens on television. He is editor-in-chief and columnist at RD1. It’s on social media at @luizfabio_ca and can also be found via email [email protected]

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Globo reporter severely attacked tragedy Rio Grande Sul




