After breaking Rachid’s legs, Mariana will be unmasked in Renascer’s most anticipated scene: “Scream, cry and pain”

After breaking Rachid’s legs, Mariana will be unmasked in Renascer’s most anticipated scene: “Scream, cry and pain”
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Disclosure/TV Globo

Rachid and Mariana in Renascer

In scenes that are scheduled to air soon on Renascer, Inácia (Edvana Carvalho) will fall backwards upon realizing that MARIANA (Theresa Fonseca) intends to leave JOSÉ INOCÊNCIO (Marcos Palmeira) in poverty.

“(INÁCIA SPEAKS TO HIMSELF) She was the third ambush that Belarmino set for Saint José Inocêncio… and she won’t rest easy until she takes him down for good!”, will say the elderly woman ABOUT TO UNMASK BELARMINO’S GRANDDAUGHTER (Antonio Calloni).

João Pedro tells Zinha that he no longer thinks about Mariana. Rachid misses Dona Patroa. Rachid reveals to Sandra that the child Marianinha was expecting when she met her grew up and conquered the world, and that they both never heard from her again. Ritinha and Eliana fight because of Damião.

Inácia (Edvana Carvalho) and Mariana (Theresa Fonseca) in Renascer

Renascer is a novel written by Bruno Luperi based on the work of Benedito Ruy Barbosa. The artistic direction is by Gustavo Fernandez, general direction by Pedro Peregrino and direction by Alexandre Macedo, Walter Carvalho, Ricardo França and Mariana Betti. The production is by Betina Paulon and Bruna Ferreira and the genre direction is by José Luiz Villamarim.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: breaking Rachids legs Mariana unmasked Renascers anticipated scene Scream cry pain




