What is the phase of the Moon today? 05/09/2024

What is the phase of the Moon today? 05/09/2024
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The Moon today, Thursday, May 9, 2024, is in its New phase, 3.01% visible and growing. There are 6 days left until we enter the Crescent Moon phase. Check out the complete calendar of Moon phases in May.

Moon today: what to expect in May?

The New Moon phase began on the 8th of this month. The next one is the Crescent Moon, on the 15th at 8:48 am. The Full Moon begins at 10:53 am on the 23rd. May ends with another Waning Moon on the 30th, at 2:12 pm. The information is from the Brazilian Institute of Meteorology (Inmet)

What are the phases of the Moon

Lunar phases have been observed and studied throughout history, and have influenced diverse cultures, religious practices and even everyday activities, such as agriculture, fishing and navigation.

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This cycle is continuous and repeats approximately every 29.5 days. However, the Moon’s appearance can be influenced by factors such as the Moon’s position in its elliptical orbit and the orientation of the Moon’s axis relative to the Earth, which can cause variations in the size and appearance of the Moon’s phases.

Lunation: every 29.5 days (on average), the Moon begins a lunar cycle, which begins in the new phase and ends in the waning phase. Image: Elena11 – Shutterstock

Lunar cycle for the month of May

  • Waning: May 1st at 0:27 am
  • New: May 8th at 00:21
  • Crescent: May 15 at 8:48 am
  • Full: May 23 at 10:53 am
  • Waning: May 30th at 2:12 pm

Would the Moon have turned inside out?

The Moon formed about 4.5 billion years ago, possibly when a smaller planet collided with Earth, hurling molten material into space until it eventually coalesced to form the moon. Some researchers point out that shortly after that, 4.2 million years ago, the Moon turned inside out to create the lunar surface. However, it was not known how these events happened, at least not until now.

There is not much evidence that explains how these events occurred. But a study recently published in Nature Geosciencewith the help of previous research data

The article is in Portuguese

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