Future? Understand what Artificial Intelligence is doing with TV today | Samsung

Future? Understand what Artificial Intelligence is doing with TV today | Samsung
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Protagonist. Technology has become the backbone of our existence, shaping every aspect of everyday life: mobility, social networks, healthcare, finance, data analysis and more. What drives this revolution? Artificial Intelligence (AI), a powerful force that permeates all media and constantly redefines the limits of what is possible.

In this sense, in 2024, the television experience was updated. A new line has emerged: AI TVs. Do you know what could change in your experience with the small screen as a result of this innovation? So, sit on the couch, and understand how this technology is transforming the way we experience not just entertainment, but information and interaction at home.

Imagine watching your favorite series with such realistic clarity that you feel transported into the scene. With AI, each scene takes on a life of its own in upscaled resolution up to 8K – the highest resolution found on TVs, with four times the pixels of a 4K TV. Soap operas, films, games, whatever the pastime, with AI it becomes a memorable experience. He thought? So it is…

This is due to Artificial Intelligence’s ability to bring together thousands of image references to recreate every detail of the scene with light or dark colors in high contrast and fidelity. This process is known as 8K AI Upscaling Pro. Automatic and imperceptible, the technology ensures that the viewer always enjoys the highest image standard, even if the content watched originally has a lower resolution.

This improvement is found in Neo QLED 8K TVs, which have 512 neural networks responsible for searching for previous images that the television has already reproduced, and using them to fill in the missing pixels with more realism, very close to 8K.

If you’re a fan of dynamic content like sports, action films or subtitles, you know how exciting it is to follow every movement and phrase at the right time. So, it is quite possible that you will be surprised by AI TVs.

Together with a high-performance processor, Artificial Intelligence smoothes and perfects the trajectory of texts and objects, without leaving traces or blurs in the image. This technology is called AI Motion Enhancer Pro and makes every stroke, phrase or epic scene gain exceptional clarity, even in content that was created with low frames per second update. The perfect setting to celebrate that goal, basket or mind-blowing scene.

When it comes to TV, not everything is about what you see, but also about what you hear. With AI TV, you immerse yourself in an optimized listening experience. It is possible to notice the displacement of the sound of each object in the scene, that is, each beat, sigh and explosion puts you at the center of the action.

The technology perceives the sound of content based on the screen and the environment where the TV is located, improving the clarity of voice and other sounds with vividness. Thus, dialogues and music can be heard without distractions, regardless of the environment. This is because the AI ​​TVs’ processor, NQ8 AI Gen 3, can identify what is in the foreground in each scene and highlight dialogues more clearly. When combined with Dolby Atmos®, these televisions offer a three-dimensional experience, which fills the environment around you and elevates audio to new heights.

Perfect for those who can’t let go of the control, the TV with AI also improves and optimizes various aspects of gameplay. Image and sound settings are automatically adjusted according to the type of game, responsiveness is improved and the experience remains immersive and fluid, for example in a football game, in which the TV identifies and leaves the pitch. with a brighter and more lively green.

Furthermore, it is possible to customize the different screen formats and have easy access to important information, such as the control response time. To marathon your favorite game effortlessly, without image gaps and with high quality image and sound support.

Do you love a device to make your daily life at home easier? Now, imagine being able to control all these intelligences with just a few taps? Through Artificial Intelligence this becomes reality. With AI, your TV can become an automation center, controlling everything from light bulbs, virtual assistants to household appliances, via the SmartThings app.

This function can create schedules according to your routine and is compatible with the language of different devices as AI TV comes with an integrated Zigbee Hub, which greatly increases compatible smart products.

With security in mind, AI TV provides complete peace of mind against possible external attacks on these devices. You don’t worry about data or password leaks and it guarantees privacy in an integrated way.

With AI TV, you enjoy cutting-edge technology but also save energy. Yes! With AI Energy Mode, the TV’s sensor automatically detects the ambient lighting level, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 25%. The technology analyzes scene by scene and subtly resets the screen’s brightness level, thus reducing energy consumption and helping to preserve the environment.

Furthermore, combined with automation, the TV system has a customizable program to establish savings goals. All through a 3D map of the house, which individually manages the devices connected in each room and provides notifications of spending to the consumer in reais, since the TV’s artificial intelligence can communicate with the local energy provider and obtain the cost of the region’s energy tariff.

Where to find a TV with AI?

You can enjoy the 8K universe, optimized and with the highest quality in the comfort of your home! Welcome to the new era of Samsung AI TV.

From Samsung’s Neo QLED 8K, Neo QLED and OLED TVs, you can take advantage of what AI has to offer, just as we have described so far. All this, thanks to an NQ8 AI Gen3 processor, which guarantees the best and most complete viewing experience with 8K AI Upscaling Pro.

This Samsung exclusivity with Artificial Intelligence brings realism to the dynamics of your favorite content, using AI Motion Enhancer Pro, and the most complete sound experience with AI Dolby Atmos®, Sound in Motion Pro and Sound Synchrony, when combined with the Samsung Soundbar.

In addition to the SmartThings app with integrated Zigbee Hub and Knox Security, with its multiple layer of security. Compatibility with over 1,500 devices and, of course, AI Energy Mode. The highest technology in image, audio and performance is at your fingertips, in a unique intelligent entertainment experience.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Future Understand Artificial Intelligence today Samsung




