brazil Posts English

Swell in Nias – Classic of classics

Swell in Nias

Swell enters perfectly in Nias, Indonesia, and celebrates the locals and lucky people who were at the peak known for its perfect and tubular rights.

Per Waves Editorial


The right hand of Nias, with its wide and perfect tubes, lives in the imagination of any self-respecting surfer – especially regulars.

And the right broke beautifully at the beginning of May, more precisely on the last day (5), when the wave in Indonesia showed its face with various types of formation: tubular, more maneuverable, maneuverable and tubular and so on, all varying according with the tide.

The swell continues to pump and this Monday (6) surfers were blessed with more solid and perfect waves with almost non-existent winds.

Although it is rare to find such good conditions, without crowds, in the video that illustrates this article, you can see that everyone was doing their best in the water.

Additionally, a strong sense of respect and camaraderie was witnessed, with surfers sharing waves and encouraging each other when sets arrived.

The caption reads: “Two days of epic waves – long period west swell with barely any wind and not so big crowd, shared waves, taking turns and calling each other into the waves even though it was a long wait for the pumps! Surfers: Jelius Wau, Irawan, Site, Anton, Lisa, Saggi and many other talented surfers!”

Among the surfers present were Jelius Wau, Irawan, Site, Anton, Lisa and Saggi.

Source Surf Raw Files

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Swell Nias Classic classics