Flamengo lineup: clinical evolution will define whether Arrascaeta will be a starter; BH is out | Flamengo

Flamengo lineup: clinical evolution will define whether Arrascaeta will be a starter; BH is out | Flamengo
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Flamengo is practically set to face Corinthians, this Saturday, at 4pm, at Maracanã, in the sixth round of the Brazilian Championship. Related, Arrascaeta has a chance to be a starter. His clinical evolution in relation to the injury to his right thigh will define whether it starts or not.

If the number 14 is not able to start, Lorran will be the team’s midfielder. Allan and De la Cruz complete the sector.

1 of 1 Arrascaeta in Flamengo training in Atibaia — Photo: Marcelo Cortes/Flamengo
Arrascaeta in Flamengo training in Atibaia — Photo: Marcelo Cortes/Flamengo

Gerson will play on the right wing, and Everton Cebolinha will occupy the other side. Bruno Henrique, with a problem in his left foot, will be absent from Flamengo.

Flamengo’s team will be as follows: Rossi, Varela, Fabrício Bruno, Léo Pereira and Ayrton Lucas; Allan, De La Cruz and Lorran (Arrascaeta), Everton Cebolinha, Gerson and Pedro.

Outside the game, Erick Pulgar went to the field with physiotherapists, but his chance of facing Bolívar, on Wednesday, at 9:30 pm (Brasília time), in the Libertadores, is very remote.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Flamengo lineup clinical evolution define Arrascaeta starter Flamengo




