Argentinian was afraid to play for Palmeiras in 92


Edmundo’s hiring was done “behind the back” of Eurico Miranda, generating anger at the boss. In 1993, Palmeiras negotiated directly with the player’s agent and with the then president of Vasco, Antônio Soares Calçada, while Eurico was traveling. When he returned, the contract was signed.

I hired Edmundo without Eurico knowing. Pedrinho Vicençote was his manager, he was a left-back for Vasco and Palmeiras. Vasco was in a very bad situation financially, the president was Seu Calçada, football was in the hands of Eurico, a difficult guy as hell. I told Pedrinho that I wanted to bring Edmundo. He said: ‘With Eurico there it will be a disaster, he will want millions of dollars’.

Cruz-Maltino needed money to pay the bills, and ended up accepting the negotiation. The value, however, would be greater if Eurico was present in the negotiations.

Pedrinho went to speak directly to Mr. Calçada. Eurico had gone to travel to Europe and the president, needing to pay payroll [salarial], we closed in a week. When Eurico came back, he wanted to kill everyone. It wasn’t a cheap purchase, but it would be much more difficult with Eurico’s presence.

Refusal to renovate and hire Luxa

Coach Vanderlei Luxemburgo alongside Parmalat’s sports director, José Carlos Brunoro, during the presentation of the new coach of the Palmeiras team, in São Paulo, in 1993 Image: Fernando Santos/Folhapress

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Argentinian afraid play Palmeiras




