D’Alessandro reflects and gets emotional about the moment he lived in RS: “We need unity” | soccer

D’Alessandro reflects and gets emotional about the moment he lived in RS: “We need unity” | soccer
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Former player Andrés D’Alessandro, an Argentine naturalized Brazilian, actively participates in helping flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul. The Colorado idol lives in Porto Alegre, one of the many cities in Rio Grande do Sul affected by the storms.

D’Alessandro helps distribute donations in Rio Grande do Sul

In an interview with Rádio Gaúcha this Friday morning, D’Alessandro commented on the supposed “marketing” carried out based on actions in favor of the affected population and asked for a more human side of people.

– People say that we are marketers, that we do it to appear. If there was a time to show up, this is it. Whoever criticizes, I hope it helps, I accept criticizing and helping, now criticizing and not helping, staying at home and doing nothing, I don’t accept. These are moments where we need unity – highlighted D’Ale.

– We have to believe in human beings. Disasters that happen, the pandemic, the flood in September, now it has come once and for all across our state, this just makes us all equal. There’s no point in having money, there’s no point in having anything at this moment. Money is only a solution to be able to buy things and help, like we are doing – he added.

The former player has participated in delivering donations in different places with a delegation. During the interview, he mentioned another former athlete, Marcelo Moreno, as volunteering to help. Furthermore, he was moved when he told the story of a Colorado fan who lost everything in the flood, but was happy to see his idol.

– Yesterday at the police camp was incredible. There are many people sheltering there and they saw me from afar and I saw a boy running with the Inter jacket in his hand. “D’Ale, I lost everything”, but he had the Inter jacket in his hand and he hadn’t lost it. “But I didn’t miss this,” he told me. “I was sleeping, but I saw you and I can’t not have your signature.” He had a smile because he saw me there helping – said D’Alessandro.

D’Ale played for almost 14 seasons at Inter and won 13 titles. Since 2020, he has had Brazilian citizenship, and five years earlier he had received the title of Citizen of Porto Alegre, where he still lives today.

1 of 1 Andrés D’Alessandro — Photo: Staff Images/Cruzeiro
Andrés D’Alessandro — Photo: Staff Images/Cruzeiro

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: DAlessandro reflects emotional moment lived unity soccer




