Dream Tour releases list of classifieds for the new season


Porto de Galinhas will be the stage for the first stage (Photo: Disclosure)

The Dream Tour, the elite of the Brazilian Surfing Circuit, already has its list of classified athletes for the new season. The competition, in its second year in the new format, will feature 88 athletes. Of this number, two are invited athletes (wildcards) throughout the stages and 21 of them are new participants.


The Southeast region will have the majority in Dream Tour 2024, with 35 representative athletes, 27 men and 8 women. Next comes the Northeast, with the second highest participation with 32 athletes, 25 men and 7 women. The South has 19 classified, with 11 men and 8 women. The first stage of the Circuit will take place between May 28th and June 3rd, in Porto de Galinhas (PE). Check the list.

“Regional diversity in the Brazilian Surfing Championship, the Dream Tour, drives the evolution of the sport. Each region brings with it its own wave conditions, surfing styles and unique cultural heritages, creating a melting pot of talent and creativity,” said vice-president of the Brazilian Surfing Confederation (CBSurf), Paulo Moura.


Ryan Kainalo, representative of Ubatuba, is one of the newcomers to the Dream Tour 2024. He is only 18 years old, but has an upward trajectory of titles such as two-time South American Junior champion, two-time Balito Junior champion and third place in the Rio de Janeiro stage . “I have always lived in São Paulo, when I was 11 I went to Ubatuba and was encouraged by my parents to start surfing. After that I never stopped, it was something that became natural for me. I felt like competing when I saw Brazilian athletes in world competitions and that is my main objective, to be one of them,” he said.

Adauto Sena, born in Baía Formosa, is one of the new competitors in the Dream Tour, just 17 years old. “I come from a humble family. My father is a fisherman and my mother works at a small school. When I was around 7 years old, surfer Alan Jhones, my cousin, took me surfing and after that I never stopped. At 12 I decided that I would compete and make a living from the sport. Be in Dream Tourthe Dream Circuit, was my goal, so I trained a lot for it”, said Adauto.

Nathalie Martins, from Paraná, is one of those qualified for the 2024 season, but her history is long in the sport. She even competed in the old Brazilian championship, SuperSurf. “I started surfing when I was 6 years old, on a bodyboard, and I never stopped. When I got my first board I decided to compete and in the first championship I won and became Champion of Paraná. Afterwards, I was Brazilian Junior Champion and qualified for the World Cup, which at the time was in Tahiti. It all happened very quickly, I didn’t even know that surfing could take me so far, but I decided to follow this path”, said Nathalie.

*With information from the Dream Tour Press Office

Journalist from Recife graduated from Faculdade Boa Viagem, passionate about football, athletics, basketball and other sports.


The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Dream Tour releases list classifieds season




