Jales Sports Gym to reopen next week

Jales Sports Gym to reopen next week
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Jales City Hall will reopen next week, more precisely between the 15th and 18th of May, the works to revitalize the Ginsio de Esportes Waldemar Lopes Ferraz, on Rua 17. To celebrate in style, exhibition games of volleyball, futsal , basketball and the Regional Handball League of the State of São Paulo will mark the reopening of the space, which was closed. Big names who made history in these four sports will be present, in addition to the state’s sports secretary, Colonel Helena Reis, on the night of the 16th.

The big party will start on Wednesday, the 15th, from 7:30 pm, with the volleyball exhibition game, on the completely renovated court that is now ready to host official championship games. On Thursday, the 16th, it will be time for a futsal exhibition match, with big names in the sport.

The official reopening ceremony is scheduled for Friday, 17th, at 7:30 pm, with the presence of authorities, athletes who marked an era in the golden age of basketball in Jales, and an exhibition basketball game, after the ceremony.

On Saturday morning (18), from 9am, games from the Regional Handball League will mark another opening day. After the authorities’ announcement, at 9:30 am, the first official match at the stadium will be between the teams of Jales x Pereira Barreto – female junior, Jales x Andradina – male junior (10:30 am), Pereira Barreto x Aparecida do Taboado – male junior (11:30 am) , Jales x Andradina – female child (12:30 p.m.), Andradina Rio Preto – female youth (4:30 pm) and ending at 5:30 pm Jales x Medicina de So Jos do Rio Preto – female adult.

The sports secretary, Wilter Guerzoni, informed that there will be four days that will mark the history of Jalesense sport. The Ginsio de Esportes Waldemar Lopes Ferraz hosted, in July 1976, the Regional Games of the North Zone, and on August 21 of the same year, it was officially inaugurated by the then mayor Honrio Amadeu, accompanied by the future governor Paulo Maluf and General João Figueiredo. The raid he made on Jales was part of a strategy by then President Ernesto Geisel to popularize the image of Figueiredo, who had been nominated for the presidency of the Republic.

Mayor Luis Henrique recalled that the sports gym underwent other reforms and adjustments, but that none of them were as broad and complete as the current one, started in 2022 by the current administration, with investments of more than R$3 million, R$1,945 of which ,724.03 from the government of the State of São Paulo, made possible by state deputy Carlo Pignatari and R$ 1,5000.00 (in counterpart from the city hall).

According to the Secretary of Works, Infrastructure and Urban Development, Manoel de Aro, the renovation and revitalization works included the replacement of part of the metal tiles on the roof; partial demolitions to improve accessibility and comfort; replacement of lighting with LED reflectors; repairs and general painting, including structure and metal tiles; demolition of old changing rooms and construction of new changing rooms; construction of a new snack bar in front (Rua 17); construction of new public toilets, installation of a lifting platform (elevator); adaptations of corridors and exclusive spaces to provide accessibility services; demolition of the bleachers at the back of the gymnasium (near the old restrooms); raising the floor of the multi-sports court to bring it into line with official dimensions; installation of a new floating wooden floor on the sports court; construction of a shelter for the new basketball tables; acquisition of new tables, beams and posts for multi-sport sports; installation of a new electronic scoreboard; implementation of a fire prevention and fighting system (firefighter), including expansion of emergency exits and hydrant system, among others; sectoral closure of the land with fencing; execution of external sidewalks in straightened concrete around the gym; installation of sunshades on the two facades where there are hollow elements to protect the internal area against sun and rain; installation of external lighting, specifically on public sidewalks and construction of a totem for identification and visual communication.

Mayor Luis Henrique said that the grandeur of the work deserves a reopening party of the same proportions. Our Ginsio de Esportes Waldemar Lopes Ferraz is one of the postcards of our city and marked the history of sports in the municipality, it hosted important competitions, regional and even at state level, hosted great sports stars and we could not allow it to remain abandoned and closed. . Therefore, its total revitalization was one of the great commitments of this administration, even assumed in the tourism master plan, back in 2021, and from now on continue contributing to local sport, with a structure to host official competitions, up to national level. The head of the Jalesian executive branch took advantage and invited the population of Jales and the region to participate in the four days that will mark the reopening of the gym. I want to invite the entire population of Jales and the cities in the region, to attend this great party that celebrates yet another achievement for local sport, we will have great exhibitions of volleyball, futsal, basketball and handball matches, with the presence of big stars who shone in these modalities. We have confirmed the presence of Secretary of State Colonel Helena and other authorities. I’m sure it will be a great party!

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Jales Sports Gym reopen week




