Former driver praises Verstappen’s evolution in relation to the media


Former driver, Christijan Albers, is impressed with the way Max Verstappen behaves in Formula 1. Not just on the track, but also in all his media appearances. Albers praised the development that the Dutchman has shown in recent years.

“Leaving the fans aside, you can clearly see how Max is growing in everything,” Albers said on the De Telegraaf podcast. “Since he joined Red Bull, he has been evolving. His qualifying sessions got better and better, to the point where we no longer realize that he is always fighting for pole position. You can see that it is complete.”

According to Albers, who is also a commentator for Viaplay, age also contributes to Verstappen’s change in attitude. “He is becoming calmer, more professional. In terms of politics, Max’s statements are always very calm, polite and correct. But every now and then, he still speaks his mind. You can see that he reflects a little beforehand, letting the idea settle and then externalizing it”, he added.

In recent weeks, Verstappen has been constantly questioned by the press about a possible departure from Red Bull Racing. So far, the Dutchman has kept his head high and managed to skillfully answer all the journalists’ questions.

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