Horse rescued from roof is dehydrated, but clinically stable | Rio Grande do Sul

Horse rescued from roof is dehydrated, but clinically stable | Rio Grande do Sul
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1 of 3 Cavalo Caramelo is recovering at a veterinary hospital in Canoas — Photo: Reproduction/RBS TV
Cavalo Caramelo is recovering at a veterinary hospital in Canoas — Photo: Reproduction/RBS TV

The horse that was rescued from the roof of a house in Canoas, in the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre, has its stable clinical parameters It is continues to recover. The animal’s health status was updated this Friday morning (10) at RBS TV by one of the veterinarians who is following the case.

‘Caramel’as it became known, is in the veterinary complex of the Lutheran University of Brazil (Ulbra). The horse received medication to replace the amount of fluid lost during the hours he was isolated, but he is still dehydrated.

“Thank God, he spent the night well. His clinical parameters are stable. He is still a little dehydrated. His intestinal motility is also a little reduced, but these are expected changes due to everything he is going through”, explained the veterinarian Henry Cardoso.

2 of 3 The horse Caramelo, rescued in Canoas, this Friday (10) — Photo: Reproduction/RBS TV
The horse Caramelo, rescued in Canoas, this Friday (10) — Photo: Reproduction/RBS TV

It is not yet known who the owner of the horse ‘Caramelo’ is. According to the veterinarian, some people have already appeared at the location introducing themselves as owners, but there is no confirmation. Celebrities such as Giovana Ewbank and Felipe Neto offered to adopt the animal.

Horse trapped on roof in flood is saved in RS

The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) states that, this Friday (10), the RS will be hit again by heavy rains. Volumes can exceed 100 millimeters.

According to the forecast, the winds will change direction and will blow predominantly from the south, making it difficult for the waters of Guaíba and Lagoa dos Patos to flow. The most affected regions should be the Northern and Eastern Half of the state.

“It has to be very clear that these regions here will really be, once again, the most impacted. So, the condition is quite critical, not only for the issue of rivers”, says meteorologist Cátia Valente, from the RS Situation Room .

  • Friday (10): rains spread across the state, being more intense in the Center, North, Northeast, Valleys, Metropolitan Region and North Coast (volumes of up to 120 millimeters); southerly winds and rough seas
  • Saturday (11): rainfall remains strong and persistent between 40 and 90 millimeters, in the same regions; winds remain in the southern quadrant and rough seas.
  • Sunday (12): rainfall remains intense with volumes between 80 and 140 millimeters; southeast/east winds and rough seas
  • Monday (13): locally heavy rains persist in these regions

Guaíba drops to lowest level since Saturday…

The level of the Guaíba, in Porto Alegre, is 4.74 meters, according to a measurement taken at 6:15 am this Friday (10) by the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA) at Cais Mauá. It is the first time that the mark is below that recorded in the historic flood of 1941, of 4.76 meters.

Even with the reduction, Guaíba remains almost 1.8 meters above the flood level (3 meters). Despite this, the water that was advancing on the streets of the capital appears to be stable and even receding in some regions, according to residents who have been monitoring the level of flooding where they live.

Level of Guaíba (in meters)

Update: 7:30 am on 10/05

Source: Ceic

…but there is a possibility of ‘repeating’

“If the rains are not confirmed, a gradual reduction trend will remain above 4 meters for more than a week”, says the IPH statement.

The tributaries of the Guaíba now show a slow reduction in their levels (in the case of the Jacuí, Sinos and Gravataí rivers) or moderate (in the case of the Taquari). However, they should fill up again with the forecast of rain between Saturday (11) and Sunday (12), explains Pedro Camargo, hydrologist at the Situation Room of the RS government.

“With these rains, we tend to go back above 5 meters. Probably, at thresholds, which we have already reached between 5 meters and 5.30 meters”, says Camargo.

3 of 3 A man observes the flooding around Ponte de Pedra, in the Historic Center of Porto Alegre, this Thursday, 9th, after the heavy rains that hit Rio Grande do Sul and caused Lake Guaíba to overflow. — Photo: MIGUEL NORONHA/ENQUADRAR/ESTADÃO CONTÚDO
A man observes the flooding around Ponte de Pedra, in the Historic Center of Porto Alegre, this Thursday, 9th, after the heavy rains that hit Rio Grande do Sul and caused Lake Guaíba to overflow. — Photo: MIGUEL NORONHA/ENQUADRAR/ESTADÃO CONTÚDO

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Horse rescued roof dehydrated clinically stable Rio Grande Sul




