Internet users respond to Leonardo after criticizing Madonna and resurrect the controversy of ‘dancers without panties’ | Music

Internet users respond to Leonardo after criticizing Madonna and resurrect the controversy of ‘dancers without panties’ | Music
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Singer Leonardo, 60, entered into a new controversy with Madonna, 65, who performed to an audience of 1.6 million people in Copacabana last Saturday (4). After he spoke badly about some moments of the show, such as the erotic scenes and the artist’s criticism of Christianity, internet users responded by rescuing some of the country’s controversies.

When asked what he thought of the presentation, Leonardo replied: “We don’t waste time with this type of show. That’s not a show, that’s an orgy. You do that somewhere else, not in a show, not on stage. If you have to do it, do it in a swing house.”

The singer praised Madonna’s talent and the Queen of Pop’s physical vigor, but considered the performance “satanist”. ” “But there is a lot there that is aimed at Satan, at the Devil. It’s a lot of things wrong, I think. I think, my opinion. Madonna’s performance, the singer, is awesome. It’s wonderful. Now, the context itself, with Satanism together, for me, I’m a Christian, so I don’t like it, you know?” he explained.

The father’s speeches Zé Felipe went viral on the internet, and internet users refuted the arguments used by the artist. Social media users recalled Leonardo’s controversies, such as his betrayal of his wife, Poliana Rocha, the fact that he gave a presentation under the name Cabaret in which the dancers wear sexy clothes, so much so that they were even accused of going on stage without underwear.

“He cheats like he doesn’t even drink water, he has a child out of wedlock, he just talks nonsense and drinks cachaça at shows full of half-naked dancers being objectified by men, but he wants to talk about others”, criticized an internet user. “Silence, the Christian who cheats on his wife is speaking”, joked another. “Name of the show: Cabaré. Dancers: almost only in underwear. Betrayal: several. And this history is not Madonna’s, Mr. Leonardo”, added another.

Recently, Leonardo’s dancers were accused of going on stage without underwear. In a video, the dancers mocked these allegations and stated that they wear underwear when performing.

2 of 2 Internet users criticize Leonardo — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Internet users criticize Leonardo — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Internet users respond Leonardo criticizing Madonna resurrect controversy dancers panties Music




