Six people are arrested on suspicion of rape in shelters in Rio Grande do Sul

Six people are arrested on suspicion of rape in shelters in Rio Grande do Sul
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In the midst of the tragedy that devastates the Rio Grande do Sul, six people were arrested on suspicion of committing sexual crimes in shelters for flood victims. The arrests were confirmed this Thursday, 9th, by delegate Sandro Caron, state secretary of Public Security.

According to the Civil Police, which is investigating the cases, one of the crimes occurred in Viamão, a municipality in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The suspect was preventively arrested for the crime of rape of a vulnerable person.

Questioned by journalists, the governor Eduardo Leite (PSDB) said that there is suspicion of involvement of relatives of the victims in the cases investigated.

Shelter set up in a gym welcomes families affected by floods in Rio Grande do Sul Photograph: Carlos Macedo/AP

“What we observe are precisely cases that, in principle, regrettably, involve the children’s family members, which signals the possibility of these abuses having already occurred previously, and the situation in the shelters has exposed this and given the opportunity for action by public authorities,” he stated. the governor during a press conference.

Leite assured that all measures are being taken and that he requested the Secretariat of Justice, Citizenship and Human Rights to verify the possibility of opening special shelters for women and young people in vulnerable situations or who require “special care”.

In the same interview, the state secretary of Public Security said that the security forces will focus on shelters, and that “in some of them we permanently have members of the Military Brigade and Civil Police”.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: people arrested suspicion rape shelters Rio Grande Sul




