Income Tax 2024: deadline to try to receive the refund in the 1st batch ends this Friday | Income tax

Income Tax 2024: deadline to try to receive the refund in the 1st batch ends this Friday | Income tax
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1 of 2 Income Tax 2023: deadline for declaration runs from March 15th to May 31st. — Photo: Marcos Serra/ g1
Income Tax 2023: deadline for declaration runs from March 15th to May 31st. — Photo: Marcos Serra/ g1

Taxpayers who want to receive a refund Income Tax 2024, in the 1st batch, you must send the declaration to the Federal Revenue Service until 11:59 pm this Friday (10). According to the agency, this is the processing date for the first wave of payments.

The IRS reported that it has already received more than 22 million declarations, of which around 16 million (71.9%) are entitled to a refund.

It is worth highlighting that Shipping on time is not a guarantee of receipt in the 1st batch. Payment will be made in the order of priority contributors. Are they:

  • elderly people over 80 years old;
  • elderly people between 60 and 79 years old;
  • taxpayers with any physical or mental disability or serious illness;
  • taxpayers whose largest source of income is teaching.

This Friday is also crucial for those who pay taxes. According to the organization, this is the last day for those who want to opt for automatic debiteither to pay the first installment of the installment or for the total amount in cash.

Payments of IR 2024 refunds will begin on May 31 and will be made in five batches, according to information from the Revenue. The deadline for submitting declarations began on March 15th.

2 of 2 Income Tax 2024: Schedules — Photo: Reproduction/ Federal Revenue
Income Tax 2024: Schedules — Photo: Reproduction/ Federal Revenue

See payment dates:

  • 1st batch: may 31st
  • 2nd batch: June 28
  • 3rd batch: July 31
  • 4th batch: August 30
  • 5th batch: September 30

Taxpayers who have legal priority in receiving the refund, starting with seniors over 80 years old, followed by seniors between 60 and 79 years old, taxpayers with any physical or mental disability or serious illness and those whose main source of income is teaching.

From then on, according to Revenue rules, payment priority takes place on the date of delivery of the Income Tax declaration — that is, the sooner the document is sent to the Tax Authorities, the greater the chance of the taxpayer receiving an eventual amount of tax to be refunded on the first batches.

The IRS also provides a link where the declarant can consult the income tax refund – Click here to learn more.

See who is required to declare:

  • who received taxable income above R$30,639.90 in 2023. The value is slightly higher than that of last year’s income tax declaration (R$ 28,559.70) due to the expansion of the exemption range since May of last year;
  • taxpayers who received exempt, non-taxable or taxed income exclusively at source, the sum of which was more than R$200 thousand last year;
  • who obtained, in any month of 2023, capital gain in the sale of goods or rights, subject to tax, or carried out operations on stock, commodity, futures and similar exchanges the sum of which was more than R$40 thousandor with calculation of net gains subject to tax;
  • who was exempt from tax on capital gains in the sale of residential properties, followed by the acquisition of another residential property within 180 days;
  • who had, in 2023, gross revenue in value more than R$ 153,199.50 in rural activity (compared to R$ R$ 142,798.50 in 2022);
  • who had, until December 31, 2023, the possession or ownership of goods or rights, including bare land, with a total value exceeding R$800 thousand (compared to R$300 thousand in 2022);
  • who passed to the status of resident in Brazil in any month and was in this condition until December 31, 2023;
  • who chose declare assets, rights and obligations held by the controlled entity, directly or indirectly, abroad as if they were held directly by the individual;
  • It has trust abroad;
  • Want update overseas assets.

Income Tax 2024: Federal Revenue publishes new rules

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Income Tax deadline receive refund #1st batch ends Friday Income tax




