Mega-Sena, competition 2,722: prize accumulates and reaches R$47 million | Lotteries

Mega-Sena, competition 2,722: prize accumulates and reaches R$47 million | Lotteries
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1 of 2 A single Mega-Sena bet costs R$5 and bets can be placed until 7pm — Photo: Marcelo Brandt/G1
A single Mega-Sena bet costs R$5 and bets can be placed until 7pm — Photo: Marcelo Brandt/G1

O draw of the Mega-Sena contest 2,722 was held on Thursday night (9), in São Paulo. No bet matched six tens, and the prize accumulated in R$47 million.

See the drawn numbers: 19 – 23 – 25 – 36 – 44 – 46

  • 5 hits – 72 winning bets: R$43,867.37
  • 4 hits – 5,080 winning bets: R$888.20

The next Mega draw will be on Saturday (11).

2 of 2 Mega-Sena, competition 2,722 — Photo: Reproduction/Caixa
Mega-Sena, contest 2,722 — Photo: Reproduction/Caixa

Understand how Mega-Sena works and what is the probability of winning the prize

To bet on Mega-Sena

Bets can be placed until 7pm (Brasília time), at any lottery in the country or online, on the Caixa Econômica Federal website – accessible via cell phone, computer or other devices.

You must register, be of legal age (18 years or older) and fill in your credit card number.

The probability of winning in each contest varies according to the number of tens played and the type of bet made. For a simple bet, with just six tens, which costs R$5, the probability of winning the millionaire prize is 1 in 50,063,860, according to Caixa.

For a bet with 15 tens (maximum limit), with a price of R$22,522.50, the probability of hitting the prize is 1 in 10,003, according to Caixa.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: MegaSena competition prize accumulates reaches R47 million Lotteries




