What is known about trucks fined with donations to RS

What is known about trucks fined with donations to RS
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Trucks were not stopped or fined for lack of invoice. One of those interviewed by SBT even said that a truck had been “blocked” due to the lack of an invoice. However, to Estadão Verifica (here), the superintendent of Florianópolis Civil Defense, Samuel Vidal, clarified the fact. According to him, one of the four trucks was fined for overloading. During the action, an ANTT agent asked about the invoice, but was informed that there was none as they were donations. She then just wrote down the information in the system and did not impose a fine.

How did the fake news about the invoice come about?

Chronology: alleged payment of taxes. On May 3, a post on of ICMS and release of cargo at Sefaz (Secretariat of State for Finance).

Information came from WhatsApp. To the UOL, the owner of the profile that spread the misinformation, farmer Antônio Luís Faria, said that he, his father and other businessmen who are part of the Rotary Club of São José do Rio Preto (SP) organized the donations and found out about the first blockade by drivers, via WhatsApp group. “They were released after six hours and after contact between the Rotary Club board and the government of Rio Grande do Sul,” he said. In a new post, he himself said that the trucks were released after agreeing on the organization that would receive the donations.

Misinformation amplified by coach On May 5th, on social media, coach Pablo Marçal and another man said: “You haven’t had access to this information yet, but the State Finance Department is blocking donation trucks that don’t have an invoice. (…) The guys weren’t letting people without licenses enter the boat. The guys are looking for an invoice, not wanting to donate food, so take this invoice“. When contacted, Pablo Marçal did not return.

Another video talks about the truck being fined too. What happened?

Bread King truck has been released, says company. A video that circulated online showed an identified Bread King truck and an ANTT station in the background. The video is narrated with the following statement from an unidentified person: “We have a truck loaded with donations that left Itapema, Porto Belo, Rio Grande do Sul. They picked it up and we passed it here at the scale. The truck weighed around 500 kg, they don’t want to release the truck. They want an invoice.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: trucks fined donations




