Lagoa dos Patos rises by almost a meter and expels people from their homes in RS


Viewed from above, Lagoa allows you to see its entire extent (Photo: Reproduction)

Lagoa dos Patos reached almost 1 meter above the normal level during the morning of this Thursday (9), according to the city halls of Rio Grande and Pelotas. The cities of São José do Norte, São Lourenço do Sul, Pelotas and Rio Grande have been on high alert since Wednesday (8), and residents will need to leave their homes. The information is from g1.

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The flood in Lagoa dos Patos was favored by the change in wind direction, according to the local meteorological service. In Pelotas, around 100,000 people live in areas at risk for flooding and had to leave their homes with help from the Army. In Rio Grande, 1,500 residents have already left their homes.

Three shelters were made available by the public authorities and another six are in preparation. The São Gonçalo canal, which bathes the city, also rose and, to prevent the water from advancing over the houses, containment dikes are being built.

In São José do Norte, the city hall recommended that anyone living on the edge of Lagoa dos Patos, which is the majority of the population, leave their homes due to the risk of flooding.

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The Ducks Lagoon

The alert climate has persisted in Rio Grande do Sul for more than 10 days. After reaching the Serra Region, passing through the Valleys and flooding the Metropolitan Region, floods now reach the South of the State. According to the local meteorological service, there was a change in wind direction. And this change favors the entry of water from Lagoa dos Patos into the cities.

Lagoa dos Patos runs through 14 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul. Are they:

  • Barra do Ribeiro
  • Tapes
  • Arambaré
  • Camaquã
  • São Lourenço do Sul
  • Turuçu
  • Pellets
  • big River
  • São José do Norte
  • Tavares
  • Mustards
  • Palmares do Sul
  • Capivari do Sul
  • Viamão

Find out more about Lagoa dos Patos

Lagoa dos Patos in satellite view (Photo: Reproduction)

Laranjal is one of the beaches in Lagoa (Photo: Reproduction)

Legend claims that the name was related to birds (Photo: Reproduction)

However, historical records point to another reason for the name (Photo: Reproduction)

Seen from above, the Lagoa is immense in size (Photo: Reproduction)

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*Under the supervision of Andréa da Luz

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Lagoa dos Patos rises meter expels people homes




