Argentine workers strike against Milei’s reforms and austerity

Argentine workers strike against Milei’s reforms and austerity
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Argentine unions began a major general strike on Thursday against painful austerity measures and reforms planned by new libertarian president Javier Milei, whose cost-cutting has stabilized local markets but hurt the real economy.

Most major unions joined the 24-hour strike, including public transport, the important grain sector, supermarkets, airports and banks.

Milei surprisingly won election last year by promising to “chainsaw” fix an economic crisis that developed under previous governments, leading to depleted reserves and triple-digit inflation.

Many in Argentina still support his plans after so many years of turmoil. However, his pro-market stance and harsh austerity medicine have shaken people’s real wages, raised already high poverty levels and seen economic activity tank at the start of the year.

Hugo Yasky, general secretary of the CTA union, posted on X that the strike was against “a government that only benefits the rich at the expense of the people, donates natural resources and seeks to eliminate workers’ rights.”

The action is a test for Milei. The government is trying to pass a broad package of reforms, including divisive labor reforms, in the Senate after winning approval in the Chamber of Deputies, despite having only a small minority in Congress.

The strike resulted in suspended flights, paralyzed ports and schools and universities with minimal operation. Markets will see reduced activity on Thursday as banks will remain closed because their employees are on strike.

“It is a strike that has no apparent reason or justification,” said Presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni at a press conference the day before the strike, adding that around seven million people will be affected by the lack of transport.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Argentine workers strike Mileis reforms austerity




