Live Nation suspends ticket sales for Bruno Mars’ extra show in Rio; presentation does not have a new date | Rio de Janeiro

Live Nation suspends ticket sales for Bruno Mars’ extra show in Rio; presentation does not have a new date | Rio de Janeiro
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1 of 2 Bruno Mars performs at The Town 2023 — Photo: Fábio Tito/g1
Bruno Mars performs at The Town 2023 — Photo: Fábio Tito/g1

Live Nation, the company responsible for singer Bruno Mars’ shows in the second half of this year in Brazil, has suspended pre-sale and general ticket sales for the singer’s second show in Rio de Janeiro, scheduled for October 5th. The announcement was made this Thursday morning (9).

“In response to the request of the City of Rio de Janeiro, Live Nation Brasil, aware of the need for change, announces that the pre-sale and general sale for Bruno Mars’ second show in the city, currently scheduled for the 5th of October at the Nilton Santos Stadium, will be postponed”, states an excerpt from the Live Nation note.

Mayor Eduardo Paes (PSD) once again stated this Thursday that will not authorize the shows by Bruno Mars in Rio de Janeiro on the dates announced by the production — October 4th and 5th, before the 1st round of elections, on the 6th.

The company did not release any updates on the new date or the performance of the show scheduled for October 4th, but stated that it is in collaboration with the mayor’s office. Sales for the shows in São Paulo and Brasília were maintained.

“Don’t buy it!!! I just received this notification through my bank’s app. The irresponsibility of this @LiveNationBR is incredible! I will contact the police and consumer protection agencies”, wrote Paes on a social network, citing the organizing company.

“They are selling what they cannot deliver. The show in Rio de Janeiro will not take place on these days. And yet they insist on selling. We really want Bruno Mars to be here. They just need to respect the city’s rules”, he added.

2 of 2 Bruno Mars performs at The Town 2023 — Photo: Reproduction/Globoplay
Bruno Mars performs at The Town 2023 — Photo: Reproduction/Globoplay

“The electoral process requires a very large mobilization of civil servants to take place. This occurs mainly in relation to the police forces and the Municipal Guard. To imagine that any major event will take place in Rio de Janeiro (I would even say in Brazil) on the eve of the elections is absurd due to the need to mobilize a large number of these same public agents”, wrote Paes.

“We informed this to the production of the artist Bruno Mars’ show on the same day as the October 4th date for the show in Rio de Janeiro was announced. Even so, they sold tickets. Rio de Janeiro City Hall did not and will not give authorization for the aforementioned show during election week. If the warnings given were not enough, let this publication serve to avoid imagining that an irreversible situation will be created. Outside of this period, it will be an honor to welcome the artist Bruno Mars to the city of Rio”, he pointed out.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Live Nation suspends ticket sales Bruno Mars extra show Rio presentation date Rio Janeiro




