Argentines go on second general strike under Milei to


This Thursday (9), the second general strike begins in Argentina against the ultraliberal measures of Javier Milei’s government.

Convened by the General Confederation of Workers (CGT), the mobilization covers all sectors of the country: industry, commerce, banks, public and private education, and public service at municipal, state and national levels.

The general strike aims to confront “a national government that promotes the withdrawal of established labor and social rights and an adjustment that is paid for by those who have the least: employees and retirees”, announced the CGT.

In the call for strike, the trade union central denounces the return of the tax on salaries, the intervention in free unions, the stoppage of public works with an increase in unemployment, the dismantling and privatization of public companies, the emptying of public health, universities, education, science and culture and the delivery of national heritage.

In the early hours of this Thursday, all land, air and sea transport began to strike, called by the entity Unión Tranviarios Automotor (UTA), which represents workers in the passenger transport sector. In the days leading up to the national mobilization, there were demonstrations by oil workers, the press, justice and social organizations, among others.

“We ask the authorities who have in their hands the decisions that are affecting the lives of the immense majority of the people, to reflect and understand the scope of the mandate that was granted to the Executive and Legislative powers, and that based on this and in compliance with the National Constitution , act accordingly, in defense of the interests and well-being of all Argentine men and women.”

Bus Law

The second national mobilization against Javier Milei’s government takes to the streets of Argentina on the day that the Senate votes on the package of ultraliberal measures presented by the Executive and approved by the Chamber of Deputies.

The law grants special powers to the Executive, provides for the privatization of public companies, the elimination of the social security moratorium, a labor reform and a tax package. The target of intense protests after its presentation at the beginning of the mandate, the legislation returned to square one in Congress on the government’s own initiative in February.

The government’s articulation, however, ensured that it was approved with 142 votes in favor, 106 against and 5 abstentions in the Chamber of Deputies.

* With information from Tiempo Argentino

Editing: Leandro Melito

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Argentines general strike Milei




