When time becomes the most precious asset


When time becomes the most precious commodity, people change routes. The days start to count in ways that are very impossible to explain. Since last Wednesday, May 1st, Brazil has been following the drama of the climate tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul day after day. Time has taken on countless contours, gaining faces, stories and thoughts. In Vale do Rio do Peixe or Rio Grande do Sul, he started to tell things differently.


The week ends with a look at what has already happened and an observation of what is yet to come. The chronicle of life was transferred to the chronicle of time. Reporter Ernesto Júnior detailed in words what everyday life has become since Brazilians found themselves in a single boat, that of anguish.

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Chronicle: When time becomes the most precious asset

The month of May 2024 will be marked in the history of hundreds of millions of Brazilians, who didn’t have time. Time is one of the fundamental pieces in the construction of our daily lives. We are increasingly short of time.

However, climate change and the tragedy that struck Rio Grande do Sul meant that time became a scarce resource. With this, the Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe became a provider of time. Residents from across the region, from all municipalities, donated a little of their time to the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

This time is often an increasingly unimportant part of the lives of many. However, the time that volunteers from here in the region will donate to build hundreds of thousands of tons of donations sent to Rio Grande do Sul, proved to be a valuable asset. A good thing, a new way of counting time, which was unfortunately removed from the lives of hundreds of gauchos.

Time proved to be precious, donations even more so and the help that came from Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe will forever remain in everyone’s history. As that song, already traditional throughout Brazil, would say, “The Sun will shine again”. It will be shining in the sky not only in Vale do Rio do Peixe, but throughout Rio Grande do Sul.

See more about volunteer work

Videirenses embrace campaign in favor of the people of Rio Grande do Sul

Caçador sends two more carts of donations to RS

Tangará receives donations for Rio Grande do Sul and needs volunteers

RBV portal on social media





The article is in Portuguese

Tags: time precious asset




