Post indicates possible day when Eloy Casagrande was called to Slipknot


In another excerpt from the moving text published by plastic surgeon Ariane Garcia, married to Eloy Casagrande, she reveals some incidental details about the process of waiting for the invitation to Slipknot, confirming that it did not come immediately after Jay Weinberg left the band, But it didn’t take that long to happen.

“On November 5th, when I saw the announcement that Jay had left Slipknot, I immediately wrote to Peco, my heart felt, in some way, that that place was his”says Ariane. “Although many people were already considering your name, the invitation did not arrive immediately. And since then, we have been overcome by unprecedented anxiety. When, finally, you were called, even though we knew nothing about what would come until the ‘yes’ ‘ definitively, my smile swallowed me whole. That same day, I went to see Caetano singing ‘Transa’ beautifully and my desire was to shout from the stage the news that inflated my chest.”.

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As far as Whiplash.Net was able to determine, with information from portals and, Caetano Veloso presented the show “Transa” in August in Rio de Janeiro and then on the 25th and 27th of November 2023 at Espaço Unimed in São Paulo . At the show on December 2nd in Belo Horizonte, Caetano performed the songs from the “Meu Coco” tour. He would once again perform the show “Transa” in Salvador, at the Summer Festival held on January 28th. But the day before, Sepultura had already announced Eloy’s departure.

Ariane goes on to say that, for obvious reasons, they had to keep the secret very well hidden: “But we had to keep this entire complex and arduous process under lock and key, in silence. Nothing was easy. There were many, many sleepless nights, surprises and some sadness. Months of anguish. You lost weight and your fingers were even more injured than before. the usual. All because, like no one else, Eloy is obsessive and obsessed with the drums. Here there was never and is no middle ground. You prepared like never before and gave your best. the choice of Americans”.


In the post, where Ariane shows Eloy getting ready to wear the mask with which she performs in Slipknot (scroll to the right to check it out, it’s the second video), she also talks about the feeling of being there, next to her husband, witnessing that achievement: “The premiere came and luckily I had the privilege of being there, by his side. The tension was immense and for several reasons that sometimes we can’t even imagine. From the mask to the impossibility of passing the sound. Everything was absolutely new and challenging. We had some stumbles, but I can guarantee that it was beautiful to see you. Seeing how much you grow over those dishes, how emotional you are, such is your intention and viscerality. The world saw it and will continue to see you and admire you more and more.”she finishes, excited.


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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Post day Eloy Casagrande called Slipknot




